• When did this happen?
    When did I fall?
    I can’t remember…
    I can’t recall

    How long have I fallen?
    How deep is the cut?
    When did you open
    that door I had shut?

    What are you doing,
    Fixing the wrong
    Balancing my act
    And singing my song?

    Where have you come from
    From heaven or hell?
    Was it you who prevent it
    Or the reason I fell?

    Who are you being
    Saving me from all this?
    For sometimes I yearn for
    My darkened abyss

    Can you shut that damned door
    That you opened so fast?
    Stay out of my future
    Let go of my past?

    Why do you love me?
    I have nothing to give
    But thank you for everything
    You’re the reason I live