• Your eyes fill with shock
    As I turn to walk away.
    You cannot believe
    That I finally saw
    Through your act.

    Your words, once a harmony
    To my ears,
    Now, a discordant jangle
    Grating on my hearing.

    You raise your arms to me,
    To try and plead with me,
    And I want to believe,
    And so I begin to turn around.


    I can't! I won't! Not again!
    If I turn, I will stay.
    Too many times I have
    Let those eyes,
    Those words,
    Those arms,
    Deceive me.

    Too many times I have stayed.
    Each time, you broke me
    And again.

    Once I held you dear,
    Close to me
    A shining star.
    But now that shine,
    Your star,
    Has befouled itself.
    Now, for the last time,
    You are the reason
    For my
    Broken Heart.

    This time,
    Your lies,
    Your deceits,
    Are the reason
    for my
    Shattered Heart.