• Fallen Ashes Anew

    Burning embers is my corpse,
    Walls fall inward broken forts.

    Consumed by me, mentality's fall,
    Forced entry into the raw.

    Searing wind rakes me down,
    Inside out, outside in, warped to frown.

    Crack the heat, failed insurance that I’m sane,
    Darkest night in days of moon’s last wane.

    Cremated upon midnight’s hour,
    Touch the voices who in fear they cower.

    Represent my black immolation,
    Represent this from shadowed creation.

    Through hell of fury, flame disgraced,
    Assault on me, self-defaced.

    Against the odds, never meant to be,
    Never meant to be the fallen of we.

    To heal others, I used to be able,
    Before this prison became my lasting stable.

    An escape there is, an escape I may have found,
    Through this I will cheat death and be unbound.

    To rise above and beyond death I shall,
    Incinerating all within that be foul.

    Body to ash, back to the land,
    Now rise up new Phoenix, return to be grand.