• Am i unwanted?
    Tossed around like a doll, passed from hand to hand
    Am i unwanted?
    Looked at like a peice of junk, something unworthy of attention
    Am i unwanted?
    Kicked out of the way, shoved to the side as if i have no emotions
    Am i unwanted?
    ignored at times, only adressed when needed
    Am i unwanted?
    sitting in the corner of the room with no one to talk to
    Am i unwanted?
    playing with the string in my hands not daring to look up at you
    Am i unwanted?
    Crawling away from your booted feet, fear filling my heart weighing me down
    Am i unwanted?
    Afraid of the answer i never dared to ask
    Am i unwanted?
    I never dared to ask you what i wanted to for so long, Why did you take me when you never loved me?