• Sweet Coffee

    You bought me a coffee in the Starbucks,
    Insisted that No. Please, You'll Get This.
    So I let you. After all,
    Mother always taught me to respect the value
    Of a Gentleman's genteel.

    Our hands touched lightly around the cardboard sleeve.
    It was awkward, a quick thing.
    But strangely, I could still feel that tickle,
    Far more than bumpy softness
    Pressed under fingertips.

    Is It Good? You asked me cautiously.
    Silly, since I had ordered it. But you wondered
    So I took a sip. Because
    The aroma of caramel and cream
    Was too important to ignore.

    The white sweet froth on top, ah delicious!
    Even though it made you chuckle,
    I licked off my mustache.
    Is It Good? You asked again
    Our eyes meeting over the styrofoam lid.

    The taste of coffee beans was spicy on my tongue.
    Mixing with sweet sticky sugars, warming my throat.
    So I answered you. Of Course!
    It's Simply Perfect, Thank You. To make you smile.
    And I took another wonderful sip.

    But I wondered if your lips were sweeter.