• all the lost kids
    Run away, leave home never to come back
    I left along time ago, I lived in hell for so long, earth was as close to heven I Have ever been, I will ever get
    I paid for my sins, thats how I escaped
    Dont make the same mistakes and get chaced by the demons that dragged Me home
    I was weak and scared, couldnt escape
    But I learned to hate, hate turned my fear to strength and I ran away from my Hell home
    So kids dont be foolish because you dislike what your parents rules commence Of
    There are some kids that live in hell as I did but there souls didnt make it out
    I weare those souls in tribute to them
    The lost souls, the lost children,the lost kids
    The little boys and girls that have no where to run
    So befor you pack that bag and sneek out that window, be careful..because You might be leaving something special
    Dont wounder to far into the dark because you just might get LOST
    Anouther poor soul added to my name, my legacy, my meaning of Being..thelostkidd.