• 1.
    a long night,a full moon
    i cant wait till the next days noon

    the days go by very early, not so fun
    i cant wait till the next days sun

    its very dark, im out of sight
    i cant wait till the next days night

    a week passed by
    i cant wait to say bye
    to people who ill miss when i go
    and going somewhere fun,i cant say no

    but i would miss my my best friend
    i will not forget her till the end

    i will also miss the others,we'll be always together
    like friends forever

    i'll like a sunny day
    it would be fun all the way

    i'll like to go to the park, it would be fun
    but i cant wait, maybe i'll be the only one

    it would be fun to play
    on this very fun day
    i cant wait....

    i cant wait, oh i cant wait!
    i cant wait ,oh i cant wait

    till a fun day
    a day to play!

    this message to my best friend,
    its time to say, yes it's time to say,

    THE END!