• Depressed
    I've lost a friend
    But you'll be there
    In the end

    Family ignores
    All the loss
    But you'll be there
    In the end

    Love is lost
    A friend
    I've gained
    I think I can make it
    In the end

    Watching from a distance
    Separate, but still together
    You leave me
    Under the weather
    In the end

    He loves you so
    But in the end
    Who will be there
    When you need me the most
    In the end

    Inside out
    Lost without
    Thirsting for
    Something I can't seem to find
    In the end

    Kept together,
    But by a thread
    Hung together
    In the end

    When you come
    It all ends
    We see the truth
    In our eyes
    We understand,
    Cross together
    Paths entertwined
    In the end