• What is this?
    What is this emotion you make me feel
    This twisting
    This gnarling
    This tearing of my core
    How is this?
    How is this true?
    I stare at you with a loving embrace
    But you glare at me, you eyes filled with hate
    I try to reach out, but you snap your head back
    I say I'm sorry, but you see it as a lie
    You continue to rant on
    Blathering your disdain
    And I listen
    I listen, even as my ears bleed
    I hear your pain through someone elses' lips
    But I want to hear it from you
    I want to see it fall from your lips
    I want to your voice rattle my ears
    The pain you give me
    What is it?
    This burning
    This flareing
    This scarring of my skin
    I see you close by
    But your eyes are still fuzzy
    I want to see you
    But to do that I need to brush you skin
    But you jolt back as if it was sharkskin
    I pull my sleeves down and try again
    But you squirm away and hiss
    I see you as a new insect
    You intrigue the entomologist in me
    I resist pinning you up
    Fearing that you would rip if I should touch your wing
    Why do I change when I taste your breath?
    Who is this?
    This hollow eyed
    This cold fingered
    This steely hearted man
    His grip
    His smile
    His lyric words
    They are true
    They are strong
    They can break a fickle heart
    But is he me?
    Can he be?
    If yes, then how?
    My hands are warm when she is around
    My heart races slightly as I feel her fall into my arms
    My eyes grow warm and misty
    Is this love?
    This burning warmth beneath my skin
    This fiery passion as I dig in
    This never-ending smile upon my lips
    That is the word that rolls from my lips