• "Oh, Mirror, Mirror, on my wall,
    Dear, who is the fairest of them all?"

    "Why you, my sweet, my darling one.
    Its you, oh Queen, oh gorgeous one."

    She picked the mirror up off the wall,
    And spun around, wide and high
    To carefully place it back upon its hook, lest she
    Break the flattering fiend, and it should die.
    The queen, she danced, she sang, for joy
    That she should be the fairest toy
    To grace the lands in which she ruled
    To wear dresses, and crowns,
    And carry scepters jeweled.

    As she spun dyed hair fluttered about
    A flurry of purples and blues and greens.
    And as she stopped gold candy lips did pout
    To entice you nearer with sugar kisses.
    And when lash-heavy lids did lift from their drooping
    Emerald eyes called you deep to her ruling.

    And blood down her cheek
    Slowly did streak
    Out the corners, no doubt
    Of that perfect little mouth
    To conceal fangs like daggers
    As she reels and staggers
    All through the night
    Drunk on another’s life.

    "Mirror, my Mirror, tell me, my friend
    Who's the most lovely in all of this land?"

    "T'is you, oh gracious, oh wondrous Queen,
    T'is only you I've ever seen."

    Then laughter graced those candy lips
    And a dance coursed through those perfect hips,
    And joy was visited upon the land,
    (Though not for all, as the case at hand
    Was that someone always had to die)

    And in the daylight there would lie
    Our perfect queen, in perfect trust,
    And perfect love, and perfect lust,
    In perfect denial, perfectly removed
    From the world upon which she ruled.

    Soft hands caress a woman's cheeks,
    And the victim plays with the hair's streaks,
    And the lips find home
    In neck and bone
    To mar the beauty of the skin,
    Though never the beauty deep within.

    And this one she leaves to live again,
    To become her princess, vampires kin,
    And when the fledgling soon arose
    It was her the Mirror in secret chose,
    But every time the Mirror did lie
    He spared the wrath and vengeful eye
    Of a vampire queen,
    Though curious and keen,
    Upon the world below
    (And, wouldn't you know?)

    The queen one day did ask quiet clearly
    "Mirror, my Mirror, surely...
    You can't believe, in all this time, that I'm the most perfect in all eternity?"
    The Mirror, feeling guilty
    Spoke the truth, for it was his duty.

    "My Queen, my love, my darling dear,
    There is another after all these years...
    One who I fear would rival you
    In looks, beauty, and grace, too."

    And here sweet Mirror did pause,
    And in the Queen this did cause
    Quiet a curious reaction
    And you could clearly see in every action
    That she was furious inside

    "Tell, dear Mirror, for time you shall not bide,
    Who is this of whom you speak?"

    "When the Fledgling you did seek
    I fear you chose too perfectly of them,
    For the one who rivals you is Gem,
    Your one companion."

    Deliciously her fury flew
    And Mirror died when smashing through
    Came the first large object our Queen could find.
    And with his final words he spoke
    (And since Mirrors cannot sputter or choke
    They came through quite clear.)

    "My Queen, these words you must hear!
    Your fledgling matches you in every way
    That she surpassed you I did not say,
    But that she rivaled you in everything,
    And for you that should not have been
    Quite so surprising as it was,

    “But seeing as your reactions speak of a lack of love
    I ask only that you remember this one
    Thing before your life is done:
    How lonely you were
    Before you found her
    Will never be greater than if she is gone
    And once again you're the only one
    Who is graceful, beautiful, perfect, and true...

    “And when the only one left is you
    Your life will be boring, your fun at an end,
    And into the other world yourself you might send,
    For without your companion, vampire kin,
    You'll lose that final spark within."