• Faces and smiles,
    Yes smiles,
    Pinned through screens
    With glowing eyes,
    Though pixelated they might be,
    That pierce through wires,
    And cords and logic,
    Into a realm--
    Our realm--

    Logic undefinable,
    Insanity undeniable,
    And a sense of wonder;

    Because through logic,
    And screens,
    And wires and cords,
    Through romantic cliches
    And well written words,
    And undefinable feeling,
    Or unfitting word as it were,
    Seeps through the impossible
    In a dull mechanic whir.

    In comparison, of course,
    To the fervency of its truth,
    And through the beating of its life,
    And the vibrance of its youth.

    But oh how that vibrancy flowers,
    Sucks my energy away.
    But you give it right back,
    And how you make me sway.

    Oh, how you make me ramble,
    And tumble over words.
    Chairs and tables,
    And feelings undefinable.
    How it confuses me,
    Wanting to be there with you.
    But oh, it amuses me.
    The things that you do.

    And with simple rhyming words,
    And some arbitrary points,
    With some puzzling phrases
    That are full of misjoint,
    I will now end this poem,
    With hope of something better,
    In this same sort of form,
    Or maybe even a--
    Longer more quality filled one.