• When everything seems to have fallen in place
    The whole world turns it's back on you
    What could have been
    remain shadows
    what would have been
    become dreams
    Everyone passes you by kick you down and leave you to suffer

    It seems as if though time flew by but it didn't and it won't
    I let go of yesturday but it came back today
    I let go of today but what could happen tomorrow
    It's unpredictable we are unpredictable
    The world may smile at you one day but by the next it will hiss and yell

    No one is our friend but everyone is our friend
    We chose the paths we go down
    one leading us to a road of no good
    another leads us to moving on

    It all depends on which one you choose
    My path leads me to no where yet
    I don't know where I'm going, I don't know where I'll end up
    But if i know my enemies will be my friends
    And my friends will be my enemies I think I'll know where im going

    If my enemies arn't my friends
    My friends aren't my enemies I know i'm moving on
    are you?