• In society today, 
    There are certain standards you must follow.
    You must talk a certain way, 
    Wear certain things, 
    And have a certain personality.

    According to society, 
    You must follow certain rules: 
    The colors you may wear must be bright and happy,
    Like the world around you is full of peace; 
    Like the bad things in life are just stories to scare.

    I refuse to wear that God-awful pink.
    I refuse to forget the bad things in life. 
    I refuse to act like everyone else.
    I refuse to follow those rules. 
    I will be me, and not somebody else. 

    I will wear everyother color. 
    I will understand those bad stories. 
    I will make my own standards. 
    I will follow my own rules.
    I refuse to follow society's.

    But you must remember when reality kicks in,
    That's it's because you chose to follow society's rules
    That you are not prepared to face the real world. 
    So, before you choose to be a copy or yourself,
    Think about how reality really is vs. how they say it is.