• goodbye, all the in comforts of day,
    i am slowly drifting away,
    oh, don't be sad, for you see,
    this is the best thing that's happened to me!
    oh please sweatheart, do not cry,
    your nanny's getting better! why,
    in a few minutes, i'll be,
    the bestest thing you'll ever see,
    and when i get my glowing wings,
    to you, alone, my heart will sing,
    and my voice, as smooth as butter,
    will make enemies love one another,
    sh shh shh, dry your tears,
    i'm getting better, you'll hear,
    i love you.
    and at that moment i escaped
    and sang more beautiful than anyone's sang,
    and even now, i bet she can still see,
    my beautiful,
    angel wings