• I secretly watch over you
    Like a hawk watches its prey
    I thought I had to kill you
    But I can’t
    I feel something, beating within me
    It’s my heart
    I feel the warmth, I feel life
    You sense something in the midst
    I try holding my ground, but you found me.
    I’m caught, lost in your eyes
    Of purpose and goals
    I say to you, “kill me?”
    You say to me so elegantly “let me love you”
    I fall to your arms loving every minute you hold me
    I was suppose to kill you, but I can’t
    I love you too much
    Within those seconds became minutes, and minutes became hours
    All I ask for is the perfect kiss?
    The perfect moons light kiss.
    You lean in, I hold my breath
    And I wake up.