• I go into the creepie house,
    and I hear a squeaking mouse.

    I walk into a candle lit room,
    and feel as though my future is full of doom.

    I am deffinately in a haunted place,
    and then I start to quicken my pace.

    I see Micheal Jackson doing the Thriller,
    and make a mistake and think he's a killer.

    I hear the phone ring and thing of One Missed Call,
    and start running and screaming down the hall.

    I open a door and see a mummy opening it's case,
    and run right back out when I see it's face.

    I run and run full of fear,
    and then I shed a ghostly tear.

    I run out of the house and start to scream,
    when I wake up oh it's just a dream.