• close my eyes, darkness appears
    I open them back up and everything that was disappears
    whatever happened to forever, what ever happened to you?
    your eyes are different and you turn away without even saying goodbye
    Your in love with a brick, sure there sturdy but its hard work carrying up the stairs,
    and their completely useless everywhere else
    Your mad at me for caring, sorry I have a heart.
    You never were a good listener, now you just don't bother saying hello
    I remember the days when you did care, where always there,
    There was no doubt in my mind that you would have done something for me in a second,
    now it seems to get a hello out of you i have to wave frantically in your face for five minutes straight.
    I am done, I could find better, I always tell myself...is it true? could i find better, is there someone out there that knows me better? will they take care of me just as well, and not ignore me?
    Of course there is, why hesitate? why does it hurt to know you don't want to be apart of my life anymore?
    because you were alot more then a friend to me,

    you were my love.