• The buzzing in her head stands for the voices she tries to surpress
    Her aching ears they're all she can hear now
    Who can help her?
    Who can help the hollow soul?
    We need an angel on earth to remove the deadly sins in her mind.
    She takes a bath in holy water everynight hoping to rid herself of them.
    They flinch at the anything religious
    Could he be up there?
    A power so strong
    To silence them every sunday
    She needs sanctuary
    We need an angel on earth to remove the death in her eyes
    To remind her of all the good times
    What good times in her life?
    How did she survive this long
    She wishes her heart to give with every breath she takes
    How could she continue life like this?
    How could nothing silence them.
    Or is there something?
    We need an angel on earth to remove the suicide silencing her.
    We need a fallen angel at the least
    Please send someone
    Someone to save her to rid her head of the voices
    She needs a savor but can she recive one just in time
    Or will she die while she's in line?