• A day it seemed to rain, there I sat,
    and had nothing to gain.
    You sat by me, spoke my name
    And I looked up awkwardly, showing you my shame.
    Would you soon wear my pride like a glove?
    Or would we soon share a sweet simple love?

    A sweet attraction flowed throw me,
    It was then I knew, to no let it be.
    You were a simple girl that stood there in my mists,
    who would have guessed there would be such a twist?
    I started to look at the calm heavens above,
    Thinking one day we’d share a simple love.

    A shy start I will add,
    but this you know did not make me mad.
    For a face like yours, I could not help but smile,
    I knew one day we would walk down that isle.
    So what is it that was deep down in our core?
    It was but a simple love, just that, and nothing more.

    We went through more than I could show.
    How I knew our love would grow.
    I remember the days we would walk by the sea,
    just you and me, steady and free,
    I held hands with my lover, a gorgeous Candice lee.
    Then every day at night when I wondered what to think of,
    I knew I could cherish this sweet simple love.

    Then there was the day, your heart would no longer beat.
    I just laid there crying, could not get to me feet.
    Every second spent, and as time passed,
    I know I should have guessed that our love would not last.

    Thoughts of suicide then filled my mind,
    without my darling I knew I was blind.
    And with nothing left here to give me a shove,
    I had then lost sight of this one simple love.

    It was then I got up that I found a reason for life.
    I could remember now, to not have faith in the knife.
    Glistening out the window;
    it was something with a bow.
    Something from our wedding, it was a little white dove.
    It was also a beautiful reminder of what use to be; our one simple love.