• i come down the cobble rode,
    riding my stead happily.
    I see her in her comfy abode,
    and slip off the horse clumsilly

    She sees me with wide eyes,
    she sees me sitting on the ground.
    And she comes closer then sighs,
    as if a lug she has found.

    I sit up and she grabs my hand,
    i get up and she looks at me.
    I brush sand off my dirty shorts,
    be i couldnt tell what she could see.

    i stared in her eyes a minute too long,
    and i turned red at her giggles.
    Oh her giggles, like a beautifull song,
    a song that made my heart jiggle.

    But somthing was not right,
    somthing was quite wrong.
    i noticed somthing strange on that night,
    as she stopped singing her giggling song.

    A stray wagon had come down the street,
    with no lantern to worn the unsuspecting us.
    It came with a SCREEECH,
    and stopped with a crush.

    She was not by my side,
    she was not on the ground.
    she had tooken quite a ride,
    and she didnt make a sound.

    the wagon had hit her hard.
    Too hard for her to be alive.
    She was luanched about 50 yards,
    and landed on maple drive.

    i cryed too much,
    my eyes had burned.
    i would never feel her touch,
    for this i yerned.

    i didnt eat or sleep,
    i didnt even close my eyes.
    But in my room you could not hear a peep,
    i ignored phone calls, even just to say "hi!"

    i didnt move an inch,
    i didnt breath a breath.
    for just in a small sinch,
    i was remembered for but a death.