• I stare into my reflection as it changes and shifts,
    I hate the way i look now.

    I'm not beautiful I'm hideous,
    my long hair made of silk is dried and is falling to the floor.

    My teeth white and perfect are now broken and yellow,
    my skin is light but beautiful covered in freckles.

    Mom always said late at night the angels would kiss me and leave those freckles to let me know when as i slept some one was always their to protect me

    I don't like this angel in the mirror shes laughing as our flesh is burning,
    i can smell us rotting as she spoke "Look at what you have done, look what you have done to us. You sacrificed so much for someone who crushed you!"

    Her words burned into my ears,
    I screamed but no one could hear me,
    I am so alone now this house is empty.

    She reached out at me i heard her long nails scrape at the glass on the other side.
    She glared at me her eyes bright blue like mine.

    "You have killed us!" she yelled pushing at the glass till it shattered all over the floor.

    I turned away i couldn't face a monster like her,
    No i could never accept this thing that was behind me.

    She touched my shoulder and whispered softly into my ears,
    "How does it make you feel/" something metal slip across my back like a blade,
    I yelped but kept my eyes closed.

    She had my arms to my sides my eyes opened slightly i could see black wings around me droplets of blood dripped from them.

    Her rotted skin flaked off on me.
    I started sobbing as i smelt the skunk fill the bathroom.

    She laughed at me,
    at my weakness.

    "You wanted me to save you so hear i am, i am here to show you what has become of your soul." her words were like the blades slipping against my flesh, was like the high Ive never received. Her words killed all the love i felt for liar. Her words awoke me from my slumber.

    Her words were the truth i needed to open my eyes,
    That evil angel.