• Whats the hardest thing to say?
    To someone you deeply love.
    To someone you've known your whole life,
    Who knows all your little pet peeves.
    Likes and dislikes.
    Your skeletons in the closet.

    What's the hardest thing to say to that person?
    Have you figured it out?
    Does it seem hard to say even out loud to yourself?
    Thats because you're thinking of that person,
    The person you love oh so deeply.
    Whose given you that love back,
    In equal or more numbers.
    Cause it feels like they're right there next to you.

    What's the hardest thing to say to that person?
    To a family member.
    A best, closest friend.
    To a lover.
    Do you want to know?

    Whats the hardest thing to say to that person?
    I betrayed you.