• What am I supposed to do,
    When all my thoughts lead to you?

    What am I supposed to say,
    When it's time for you to go away?

    What am I supposed to be,
    If the day comes when you've forever left me?

    If I've already lost you, then I've lost myself.
    Think now I'll finally put my heart on that shelf.

    On that shelf in a small black chest,
    That sit's above me so I can see from my desk.

    The desk in my mind, in a room bound shut with a chain,
    Should you be truly gone so shall I now feel only pain.

    I'll tell you this now, I love you I do.
    But what's at risk I wish to never be true.

    Swear you'll never give up
    Please, not yet, don't drink from death's cup.