• A sweet smell,

    A devious smile,

    Trying to be hid,

    They all make me tingle

    And giggle to myself.

    A picture, I own,

    Of you, hiding your face.

    I made it my background,

    On a night I sobbed over your blues eyes.

    You're so perfect,

    Even though you're not.

    So, you're a little short.

    So, you have some anger issues,

    I still feel so strongly for you.

    One more week

    And you'll be gone,

    Away from my grip,

    Out of my sight.

    I'll always remember the frosty day,

    Where I could see my breath so clearly,

    And you offered your jacket to me.

    I accepted, but didn't wear it,

    I took in your smell.

    You smiled at me and said I was weird,

    But I was your weird.

    So, until I see you again,

    Where I may hold your hand one more time,

    For now, this is goodbye,

    And I wish you well.

    I wish I could be there to say it myself,

    For the words that would slip out, you wouldn't believe them,

    But I'll be gone for the time, also.

    I'll miss the sweet dreams we shared,

    Our times together,

    I'll even drift away,

    Just to remember you again.

    Until you return,

    I wish you well...

    Goodbye, heartbeat