• Woke up at 12:00 thinkin "what the Hay?"
    I saw a shadow pass the window i figure "eh snow day"

    My stomach grumbled I need food to eat
    So i walked into the kitchen for a treat

    With my cereal,I walked into the living room
    Not Realizing my soon to come doom

    I put my cereal down and looked up
    Right by the window was Charlette,my pup

    She looked at me with longing eyes
    She turned around,went toward the door and started nipping at flies

    "She has to pee"i thought as i opened the door
    The snow was several feet at least 3 to 4

    She ran out and started running around
    But stared at something not making a sound

    I saw it,a shadow about 5 ft tall
    Looked like my gf who died last fall

    Oh well i thought Charlette ran past me back into the houseJ
    After my shock i notice the shadow was wearing a torn blouse

    weird my gf was wearing a blouse when she was hit
    I was scaring myself,I had to quit

    I heard a voice in my head said "run while your able
    "F&%^$#%^"I said,not noticing where i was going i banged my knee into the coffee table

    Words By:Josh