• Hey remember that time when we were all so close, and no one seemed too far away? If someone told us we would someday lose most of the people we thought we knew, and we would laugh at the notion? Remember that time? Because I could use a reminder of how it felt to not worry about tomorrow, or how it felt to forget about the bad things, because they really didn't matter at all. I want to smile because the sun is shining, not because it is going down. I want to imagine myself in the clouds, not grounded in one place. I want to share my thoughts with those around me, not always carry their burdens. If I could live forever and watch the world until it eventually fell into nothingness, would I feel more accomplished than if I had to die today surrounded by everyone I love? Or would living forever detach me from emotion, so I really wouldn't feel anything at all. Why can simple questions and thoughts be worded in such a way to hold someones attention so well, yet when someone stands up and speaks of life and God, no one seems to listen. As if no one really wants to hear about what matters. To them, a beautiful lie is more attractive than an ugly truth. They push away their truth and make it into the lies they hold so close to their hearts. So close, that their hearts soon become the lies they believe so dearly in. I don't want to be a part of them. Our true kingdom, our only real solitude, lies within our own hearts. The machine that beats so loud, is the only place we can find complete silence. Where blood flows so quickly, is the only place we can slow down time. It can break, but still work. It can shatter into a million pieces, but still be pieced back together. Hiding our true desires, and our darkest dreams, behind a golden shell. When our mind succumbs, and our body submits, it is our heart that resists. To be heartless is not to be hateful, but to not know what true emotion is. The heart never dies. Instead, it is only trying to repair the parts of us that have broken. Every hope and dream I have lies at the feat of the people in my life. Like fragile glass they lie, so tread softly. For you walk upon everything I live for. Each and every crack in the glass is simply a hope that is fading. A prayer that has gone unanswered. Step around the crack, so you do not shatter the rest of the glass. Maybe my dreams should be made out of something stronger. Something that can not shatter. But such materials are not as clear. They do not allow me to see through them to the world beyond. My dream would simply be a dead end. So whats on the other side of my glass? My life with the dream in fruition. I can never step on that side of the glass. If I break through, the dream dissipates. My only choice is to watch what my glass shows me, and watch I will. Until one day, hopefully, my dreams will reach for me. It is that simple hope, no matter how small, that I cling to. So remind me of a time when everyone only thought of good intention. Back then, when we were so very close.