• The beginning is hectic.
    There are several different intsruments,
    tunning several different notes.
    Fixing problems before they happen.
    The chaos isn't bad.
    It runs like a well oiled machine.

    The beginning is frightening.
    There are several different feelings'
    contradicting several different thoughts.
    Avoiding problems is inevitable.
    The chaos isn't bad.
    But the Lovers must see that for themselves.

    The Orchestra begins to play.
    Softly at first,
    but the music grows richer in sound.
    The Harmony and Melody glide together,
    in an eternal graceful waltz.

    The Love begins to form.
    Quietly at first,
    but the love grows stronger despite neglect.
    Their feeling for each other
    grow faster than they know.

    The Orchestra is more urgent.
    They fly through pieces,
    faster than a whirlwind.
    The audience becomes engrossed by the conductors control.
    He keeps the musicians in check.

    The Love is more urgent.
    They begin to notice each other.
    Gentle touches like electric shocks.
    Small words like a sonnet.
    There is absolutely NO control

    The rhythm is pounding.
    The score evokes tears from the audience.
    The hurt of the composer is felt by all.
    The rhythm is still steady to the very end.

    The Lovers are vulnerable.
    One action could easily be misunderstood.
    One word could easily be hurtful.
    they work hard to understand each other.

    The Finale.
    The Closing.
    The End

    The Orchestra is there.
    The last song is sweet.
    It is loving and full of hope.
    They have won over the audience,
    Close curtain.

    The Lovers finally come together.
    She tells him her feelings.
    He tells her his.
    They sweetly embrace.
    Close curtain?

    Never . . .