• Everything they say just flows right out of my ears.
    I don’t know why they even try.
    Happy? what’s that.
    The only thing I’ve ever known is this hollow feeling,
    Somewhere deep in my chest
    With a grip so tight
    It won’t let go.
    And they are trying to tear it away from me
    But it only grips on tighter
    And every time they try to yank
    It away,
    It tears a little piece of my heart out.
    I don’t know why they even try.
    It gets more ridiculous
    Every day.
    They tell me about things
    I should probably be happy about
    But I’m
    Not and I don’t even know why.
    I would like to
    Be happy for once.
    I don’t even know what it feels like,
    Is it like sunshine beating down on a flowery, beautiful meadow
    One that’s near the shimmering lake
    And trees full of beehives?
    Is it like those little kids
    Sucking on lollipops and won’t share a thing with the other children?
    Is it like the cat who just caught its first rabbit?
    Or a baby bird that just learned how to fly
    High out of its nest
    And never have to come back home?
    Could it really fill this empty inside me?
    This weird, hollow
    Do they even know what this feels like?
    It’s not a sadness,
    More like this emptiness,
    Like you’re almost filled up to the brim
    With helium
    And you feel like you could float away with the slightest breeze
    And pop right under the sun’s nose,
    And you don’t even really care what you do,
    Or what the consequences are,
    And you do whatever you want
    No matter what people say.
    That’s how I feel