• I play with the chains i found.
    Im always listening to the gingle sound.
    I think about what to do next.
    Then I found out I was a reck.
    Even worse I found out I was useless.
    Through all I was also clueless.
    I told myself to have guts.
    But I'm always making excusses
    to what condition I got.
    I'm either hungrey or tired,
    and if I sleep on the job I'm
    fired.I'm usually told to make desions for
    my self...but i continue to make decisions for some
    one else.This is like a re-run of my life.
    I see why pain collides with knives.
    I'm different and random,and i usually cant stand
    'em!And through all those times that we fought, I realized
    time cannot be bought. Every second wasted sleeping,was the worst,
    I wake up every night with unwanted thirst.But as they say time flies by fast
    ,but we got to make some of it last.And every stupidity has a price ,the bill was time,
    not a nickel 'nor a dime.Alot of paper was a waste ,like signing your name to contract
    saying you are suppose to pay.Next thing you know the contract is shredded ,like all of their dreams.Life is hard ,its not easy as it seems.