• There is no greater joy for the little girls and boys
    Than the land that they call Lacrimosa
    Way up high, in the sky, surreptitious secrets lie
    Rising up from the land of Lacrimosa
    Here the rain pours crimson red
    Dripping from treasonous heads
    By it, our souls ensanguined;
    Bloody wounds that ne'er heal with time
    Thus, we look into our honored grace
    The Scarlet Queens that show their face
    Here they rule, faithfully, in triangled oligarchy
    Deep within our sacred land of Lacrimosa
    Each one, with an iron hand, rules a segment of the land
    That encompasses our land, Lacrimosa
    Each one with a diff'rent face
    Bedecks her unholy place
    The Sinner rules above them all
    While Masochist forces blood to fall
    And The Arsonist broods away
    Hidden in esoteric ways
    The Sinner yells to the choir, “Seek out carnal desire
    From the darkest shadows within Lacrimosa!”
    The Masochist punishes all, even Stalkers and Prodigals
    That hide away in the Land of Lacrimosa
    The Arsonist hunts Holy Liars:
    Blasphemers who dare to paint the fires
    All rebels of a pointless cause
    For none can escape tyranny's jaws
    This has how it's been for years
    A rule of queens that all men fear
    With a rule spiteful and snide, the land they did divide
    Of once a pure and virginal Lacrimosa
    Now one with countries three, each with tainted impurity
    This is what remains now of Lacrimosa!
    The Sinner rules the northern land
    Lasciviosa is now its new-found brand
    The Masochist rules to the west
    Orgalia is the sake that, to it, 'tis blessed
    The Arsonist rules to the east
    Muertalia, death-lands, slake this beast
    This is what has become of our home
    We have nowhere else, for refuge, to roam
    We need a hero at this hour!
    Someone to vanquish Scarlet power!
    But where could such a person be
    When all are afraid of the Scarlet Queen?

    Halt your voices and your tongues and hide away the young
    For I speak, The Harlot Queen of Lacrimosa!
    I've heard talk of painted fires, tyranny and Holy Liars
    From within my humble Land of Lacrimosa!
    I won't tolerate your plight
    There will be no uprising fight
    Know well who holds the advantage
    Who can destroy your suffrage
    So hold all thoughts of liberation
    You insubordinate your meek station!
    Let this be a warning to you all, should your better judgment fall
    Within the land that we rule, Lacrimosa
    We three sisters will make sure that great pain you'll endure
    Before you meet Father Death in Lacrimosa!
    Now I leave you to your thoughts alone
    Scurry to the holes that you call home!

    God on high, hear our prayer
    Even though you're never there
    We need a hero to end this rule
    How could you ever be so cruel?
    Unless The Madman spoke with truth and dread
    When he proclaimed that you were dead
    Doubtless that he spoke with lies
    Disprove those that you despise!
    Let the hero find his way! Alack to this day!
    How could you find a hero anyway?
    Let us lie, here to die, in serene bloodied skies
    Just to draw our last breath in Lacrimosa
    Let The Harbinger lead us away in the mirth of his Dread Parade
    Just to let us escape from Lacrimosa.

    Let us rest, Tartarus-blessed, in Lacrimosa