• Hi, Remember me?
    I once made you happy
    If that was really true...
    Remember? you said "I love you"

    Remember me now?
    You made me cry, how?
    So you still don't remember
    How you let my heart die and wither

    Do you remember?
    How you said it was forever?
    How you said our love will last?
    How you left me so fast?

    Still don't remember, do you?
    How you always do what you do
    How you always made me happy
    By promising a forever for you and me

    How you made me cry that December?
    How you said we'd still be friends?
    Then you ignore me and forget our end?

    Did you still forget?
    The times our eyes still met?
    The times you had smiled at me?
    The times when we.... when I was happy?