• Far be it from me
    To claim superiority
    But I've been self-ordained
    By my own unspoken pain
    I don't know if I'll awake one day
    To find that this has all been a dream
    But once I'm finally underway
    Strain my voice to put a tear in the seem
    That holds together
    The broken pattern which governs my existence
    I wish to sever my ties forever
    And do whatever is resistant
    So, far be it from me
    To try and tell you that you're wrong
    But I've been wand'rin' 'lone
    It seems for, oh, so very long
    And when the nights are cold
    I can't help but sing myself
    A sad and somber song
    Do you care to check my math again?
    Please tell me that I'm wrong
    The facts serve to verify my fears
    I've only wanted you to win
    And be happy very long
    Now we'll just drift away with all the years
    So far be it from me
    To try and tell you your a fool
    Who has never seen a goddess
    Fall for a stupid tool?
    Far be it from me to say
    When he grabbed it all and ran
    That "love" is never "accidentally" cruel