• I hate red
    I hate how it reminds me of her dress
    Of how it clung to her body as she danced with him
    Too scared to be with me
    She was wearing white, if the pictures are true
    I thought that the dress was always red
    It certainly looked that way as the dirt piled on top of her

    I hate orange
    I hate how mother used to paint my nails that color
    I hate carrots
    I hate her hair
    Her long curly orange hair
    It was so pretty
    Even caught under my orange fingernails

    I hate yellow
    Yellow is the sun
    With its friendly spikes and sunglasses
    How it smiles to everyone but me
    It burns me
    I can’t look at the sun
    Now she can’t either

    I hate green
    We went on picnics
    She would throw grass on me
    And laugh
    She had a beautiful laugh
    Joke’s on her
    She now has the grass staining her clothes

    I hate blue
    I hate how the ocean taunts me
    Those blue depths of death
    It wants me to drown; I can hear it telling me
    She loved to swim
    She could swim in anything
    I bet she wishes that she never loved the water

    I hate indigo
    She was supposed to go on indigo airlines
    To go on a honeymoon in indigo sand
    Sand’s not supposed to be indigo
    That’s unnatural
    Just like me
    Just like her
    She never admitted that she was different
    I bet we all have regrets in the end

    On our first date she gave me violets
    She was so sweet, so shy
    She tossed them in my face and I caught them
    Put them right next to the grocery list
    She laughed, kindly, when I preserved it
    I still have that
    It’s still there, pressed between the books
    I kind of like violets

    Does God let people like us go to Heaven?