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Shiro's Journal
This... is me. In a nutshell. ^^;
The world you Love: part 2 of 2
This will be a double entry spanning the things I have to vent on this eventful night, as well as the things i ought to say, for fear of being said too late for some. Now in this post, I shall exemplify my gratitude to the few people who know me even better than most people living and breathing near me...

As the people I have grown to care, these words are for you:

Akahoshi (Hoshi-Ko): I know of all the people I have known you are probably the least understood in your family. I think I can relate to that somehow in the fact that I used to be the predilect of my family. Everyone thought i would be "someone" in the near future. You let the family down once, and they all become bitter with resentment. Even those you thought were close to you, end up talking behind your back. Just because I know how painful that can be, I am thankful for giving me the chance of being part of your circle of friends. I may be an idiot at times, and think it's "playful" to just be silly whenever you're around, but you have no idea how wonderful the few meaningful chats you and i have had, and how pleasant you can be when being "yourself" ... Thank you for all you have given me.

Sir Langley (Lang): I know I'm usually the butt of many a joke, and that all I do is prance around and cause nonsense, but what about those many nights where we actually discussed things non-related to gaia in general? I think it's been what? 3 times? ... maybe even less than that. Even so, I thank you for the time for letting me enter into your world for at least a little bit, and sharing it with me. God knows how many times I think about the many nights spent doing absolutely nothing but amuse each other with random thoughts, and for that, Thank you for all you have given me.

Abandoned Dreams (AyDee): Yes, I used your long name in this here log. xp I only did it because whomever reads this journal should know your whole Gaian SN. More than just the Owner of the G.A.S.O.C. Guild you, in my eyes, are the first person who has managed to make me crack a smile when all I wanted to do was cry my heart out. I have the utmost respect for you and always try to uphold that respect (even if I fail miserably most of the time by making myself look like a total rambling lunatic in need of some white pills and be locked up on the loony bin sweatdrop ) and for that and other things, Thank you for all you have given to me.

Memai Shirosaki (Memai): I had to give my utmost respect to you. Not because of your reasoning ability far surpassing your own physical age, nor by your rationality being usually higher than that of a twenty-one year old like me. Not even because you created and O.C. that i think is most magnificent, but because you are considered as very good friend of mine, and because you are of the few people I can say that actually rocks. whee Thank you for all you have given me.

Iyou: What can I say that I haven't said before about you? That you are a gifted listener? That you care for your friends almost as if they were family? ... That you are , besides me, a "person who cares" ? ... no, it's all of that and so much more... Thank you for all you have given me.

Deuxia Devonair: Dear Deuxi, elegant and unique. She's a person whom I can relate to just by merely exchanging a few words. You make me feel at home like no one else can. And for that, Thank you for all you have given me.

Nyome: I know that, by making this entry in my Journal, I could risk my friendship with you, but I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for letting me be your confidant and shoulder to lay your hand on when you feel down and for sharing with me things I would have never thought I'd share with you. I thank you for showing me the person behind the Gaian avatar and how that person thinks. Thank you for showing me who you truly are (and in that may I add, what a lovely person that is! wink ) ... Thank you for all you have given me.

Songjewel: You know how I am. Adamant and Idealistic. I take a stand on what my beliefs are, but so do you. Thank you for all those pleasant conversations we have had. I think we have discussed just about everything (and then some! xd ) ... but most exceptionally I thank you for allowing me to be there for you. And just for that, Thank you for everything you have given me.

Chibi Koji (Koji): Like me, you are random most of the time. Also, like me, most of the time people think we're high on surgar or any other substance. ninja ... usually this isn't the case, but anywho, thank you for sharing the randomosity and nonsense to me and everyone else around you. I know we have been atg odds before, but that's part of the past now, right? Anyways, Thank you for all you have given me.

Lull: The little Gaian dreamer. I have no words of gratitude to say to you than a traditional "thank you" ... and I know in the back of my head the thought alone of not having something better to say to you is killing me slowly. gonk All I can wish for is for this friendship that has grown slowly between us can grow by leaps and bounds within the next few months and/or years. biggrin You are a special, giving soul. Never lose sight of what you already have, because you are by far the richest of all gaians. Not because of the items, but because of the friendships you have forged in this community called Gaia. How I wish more and more Gaians were like you, but like many before me, they have said these words I am telling you now. For that, and everything else, Thank you for everything you have given me.

Yoshimi1915/OgoKai/Nienna Elensar/Yamato Kuroshin: my quartet of comrades from times long gone. I have not forgotten any of you. In fact, I hope of one day go back and join up with all of you at once and reminicense on how good the days were back at the ol' fundraiser. It's a shame I had to close it, but it was my desicion. I could no longer sustain it with my income alone, but never in the life of me would have cared. I have felt much happiness in knowing that each and every single one of you always managed to bring something to the table to what began as a mere Idea to help Gaians. Yoshimi's ability to randomly pop out of nowhere, plus her curiosity made her one of my favorite gaians to hang around with. OgoKai's stoic figure whom always gave out great advice on how to handle things on a fundraiser, he was like a sort of "godfather" figure to me... much respect is deserved and revered to you, old pal. Nienna and her always hyper attitude over everything the charity stood for. I always smiled at the occurences of Nienna's day-to-day activities, and always felt amused and amazed of how much spirit she could muster out of absolutely nothing. Yamato's unique way of randomly cracking a joke at some Gaian glitch, as well as his ability to get people into the thread and bump/chat in it is in fact unique, since i haven't seen another Gaian do it like he had. I can merely amuse people in the thread, but as much as I would try to emulate him, it would be nigh impossible.

ALL of you meant something to me, and still do. I am sorry I haven't been there, and we have drifted apart from what used to be out "closely-knit" group of rogues in search of a common goal at first, which later became our calling: "Making sure every little dark Gaian out there gets their scarf." Thank you for all you have given me... and oh so much more... heart

Shin no Kimiko (Shin): I merely have gotten to know you from a few weeks back, but slowly and surely you have grown to be one of those gaians whom I just can't stop hanging around with... even if they used all the str8 items on me! gonk xd You are special, not because of you being an "ex-mod" or because you know most of the R&C artists... but because you "listen" to people. And people listen to you. People listen to you because you are a voice of reason. Sure you'd say it's contradictory/an outrage and you'd also say I am silly/crazy/fool but i mean it... or at least I think that you're one of those people who'se reasoning is one so neutral, just about anyone can relate, understand and validate your point of view. Anyone who says otherwise is either jealous of you or just can't stomach how great you really are. And for that, Thank you for all you have given me.

ami uzuki: Conveniently, I would say that I have known you for merely a day and a half, and you somehow have been just plain wonderful to me. I can't even begin to describe how wonderful was to get a random pm from you. I cherish that moment just because how you cared, even when i didn't ask of you a thing. Thank you for what you have given me, and hopefully will be able to cherish more memories like these. whee

Ludicrys: My soulmate. the only person whom I have known longer than the rest of ... eveyone on gaia... She and i know of each other even before Lanzer opened gaia on 2002. She knows me inside out and all over and about, and is probably the only person other than me that knows what I'm thinking when I do/say things. I have only to say this: My lament for not being able to at least write to you as of recent has been due to a series of events that wind up when least expected. It's like the flow of a river, and I'm slowly being dragged further and further away from you. I know the distance between us is great, but far greater is this hollow feeling I feel for not having you near me. God only knows and bears as my witness how many times I have thought of you when I'm all alone in the streets and at my working place. Not even on Gaia do i stop thinking about you, but what mortifies me to no end is my inability or inaction to be more responsible to you and all you have given me... I am not worthy of all you have given me up to now... and I don't think I'll be able to repay you in this lifetime with my love as your reward alone. sad heart

As for everyone else whom I haven't mentioned here, know this: you all hold a special place in my heart. I know all of these experiences and thoughts we have shared in this past year weren't fake, because even as pixels in this forum, it has grown to be more that just that. It has been our home away from home. It has made us connect with people none of us in our wildest dreams would have thought of knowing. Just to know your personalities and cherish the moments with you all makes me jump in joy. Thank you all for all you have given me. i just hope I can give all you have given me back to you all... even if it's but an infinitesimal of what you have given me up to now. Thank you! ^^

P.S. for a shitty birthday like today, I am pretty cheerful in the knowledge that the people whom I care most remembered it was my Birthday biggrin

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Deuxia Devonair
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Dec 30, 2004 @ 04:38am
Shiro-Chan.... heart The times I have talked with you were pure amusement. xd I have loved our random chats and some hilarious conversations, and I have cherished the support you have given me. Even with the slightest PM, you have always managed to make me smile.

It's really a blessing to know that you are one of the persons that I care for here in Gaia. 3nodding

Happy B-Day, Sonny. Mommydeuxi will be there for you when you need her. 3nodding heart

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 30, 2004 @ 06:36am
Happy Birthday Shiro~ heart

You know what I have to do on Gaia, and certain things that can and cannot be done. I don't have to explain that any further ne? ^^;; But, you are one of my favorite people (( @___@ and Nyo knows a lotta people. ; ; too many I think. XDD )) and more importantly, one of the few I can depend on. There's friends you joke around with, but most of them abandon you in a tough situation. I know you're not like that.

Thank you for liking the person behind the avatar. ^___^ and Nyo is always here for you. :3 promise~ <3

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Shin no Kimiko
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Dec 30, 2004 @ 06:37am
Thank you for the kind words. heart

And happy birthday! If I'm late, then merry unbirthday.. =_=; I would have said happy birthday in GASOC, but you know how "often" I post there. d:

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 30, 2004 @ 07:25am
I'm so sorry. I wish I had realized it was your birthday... sad *gives you a late birthday hug*

It's really odd how on your special day, you end up giving me way more than I've ever thought to give to you. Your words brought me to tears. I know you hardly know me at all, but that you took even a second to say something nice about me.. It.. I don't know, it both fills me with cheer and breaks my heart at the same time. I guess in part because you're a wonderful person, and it feels nice to be recognized by you, and I suppose it's also in part because you reminded me about something I've been lacking in my life as of late. You made me feel very, very special, and for that I can't begin to thank you enough.

I would like to get to know you better, Shiro. I don't know if it's possible.. But even if it's not it warms my heart to know that there's somebody like you out there.

I'm sorry about today.. I hope tomorrow will be better.

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Shiro Nishida
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jan 01, 2005 @ 07:04am
Thank you everyone who commented. I did not expect the wonderful comments left, so I'll try to address them all.

@ Deuxi- I remember those times you speak of XD. It's always a pleasure to talk to someone who I can relate with and make me feel at ease when I'm tense and randomy. @__@; Thank you! <3~

@ Nyome- Thank You! biggrin Yes, I know, and you don't need to explain any more than that. :3 I just thank you for your friendship throughout this time in Gaia. <33~ thank you hon. I'm always here for you as well. :3

@ Shin- You deserved each and every one of those! <3 It's never too late to express your thoughts. :3

@ Lull .... Oh my. neutral *hugs back* It's alright Lully, It's my fault for not showing up and telling everyone. It's not odd at all, I just had a really bad day, but coming back to gaia just helped me coax with all that had previously happened during the evening. sad Now I don't know if I should cry out of joy, or sorrow. I didn't mean to make you cry, Lully. I know I don't know you at all, but with what little you have shown me of you, gives me enough security to say the things I said about you. I feel honored that my speech made you feel cheery, but to make you feel bad about yourself?

This list was to make everyone feel special. It's the least I could ever do for you behind this computer screen separating us both. Thanks? All I wanted in return was to know you read this, and even though you wouldn't post, know how I felt. Regarding the "getting to know each other" we both feel the same wat, so why not taking the first steps into that direction altogether, right? :3

I know that day was bad, but thankfully afterwards, the next two days have been just filled with glee. And now I read this... everyone's posts for me to see. I'm just glad you cared. 3nod thank you all.

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 01, 2005 @ 03:34pm
My apologies for not responding earlier sweatdrop Gaia is sucking up my PMs and journals so far Xp So I'll just try and make up what I can.

I'm so sorry you had such a terrible thing happen to your birthday, Shiro-san, I thought it'd be a wonderous celebration for you *hug* But, don't fret. At least I'll try and make this new year something you won't forget.

And thank you for the kind words Shiro 3nodding I never thought of myself as what you said in this entry. I really am at a loss of words, because I've never thought someone would actually think THAT highly of me sweatdrop But nonetheless, I love you as a friend *hug* *nudge*

Many luffs to you!

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Chibi Koji
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jan 01, 2005 @ 08:48pm
I dont read other peoples journals. xd But Im glad I did this time. Happy Late Birthday Shiro! whee And...junk. <44444

commentCommented on: Sun Jan 02, 2005 @ 04:06am
Shiro, I'm at a loss for words. *hug* Thank you for being such a great friend - I really value the time we've spent together. It's sort of ironic that you're able to express yourself so eloquently when English isn't even your native language, and I'm left here with my jaw hanging open, unable to say anything really intelligent. sweatdrop You've really touched me.

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