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View User's Journal

Now there are peaceful days at hand,

but soon terror will strike the land,

of the lucks both good and bad,

there was a war the two had,

the weasel bad, the dragon good,

to last forever more in would,

alas their bodies grew more tired,

so their spirits fled to the humans desired,

irenic days will come to pass,

ere long their might will rise at last,

their will to fight remains all too powered,

in chaos the world will be devoured.
A Hard Night
"All done."Ryu said."That didn't take that long. Hey i think there's a storm coming. Did you close all of the windows?"

"Yeah whatever, I'm going to bed."

"I'm going to take a shower."
Ryu whistled a happy tune while waiting for the water to turn hot. She looked into the mirror and sighed. Her cheerful melody turned to a sad nocturne. This old house had so many fond memories. Ryu felt the water, it was hot enough to take a shower.

Then she walked to her room, the one room that she dreaded to go into. This was the room she kept ever artifact of her childhood in. Every picture she drew, every photograph she had was in her. "It's going to be a rough night."She said as she walked in. She sat infront of her vanity mirror and looked at the jewlery box she received from the old specialist.
Ryu and Itachi walked up the street. To the old carpantry shop. Where the old canopy shaded the creations from the summer sun.

"Hello Monsura-san."They chanted

"Hello there how's yer Summer treat'n ya. I see ya two playing games and adventure'n, it makes me wish i was that age again. I can see that you two a tighter than bark on a tree."

"Yeah, we're best friends, we hang out all the time."Ryu said.

"I can see that. How old are ya again?"

"Seven years old, sir." Itachi said.

"Tell ya what, I'm going to make a music bbox just for you two to share."

"You don't have to do that." They said in unison.

"No, no, no, I see so many people walk streight by here and don't even say a hello. But every day you two to walk by you greet me and take interest in these items. I'm going to make a custom designed jewlery box just for ya."

"thank you very much, Monsura-san." They said as they walked away

Ryu opened box and as the song began to play the figures began to spin. She hummed to the melody. "I soppose its time to go to bed." She got up and walked to the queen sized bed."All of my friends, how i missed you so!"Ryu squealed as she jumped into a huge mound of stuffed animals on her bed."Mr.Jeeblers! And Kappa-kun! And Nekozowa!" She turned to her pillow."SALLY AND HITOKAGE WE'RE HOME!" she said hugging her two favorite stuffed animals(but don't tell the others).
Sally was an old-fashion stuffed bear. She had a narrow face and somewhat pointed features. Instead of being stuffed with cotton, Sally was filled with beads. Sally was one of the few things that came with Ryu when she was found by the tigers. Hitokage was an orange lizard with a happy face. He was given to her by Itachi as a birthday present.
Ryu pulled the covers up and hugged her stuffed friends tightly. Her eyes got heavier and heavier. Yawning and slowly closing her she thought she saw something in the window, but sleep got the better of her and she drifted to rest.
"A bright light...
A mysterious figure...
I've seen this before..."Ryu thought
A long slim shadow of a creature floated infront of her as she did. I spoke..

Meus dulcis amicus,
vos electus is vultus.
Mei est validus vos vadum animadverto.

Sweet voices began to chime..

"Win dain a lotica
En vai tu ri
Si lo ta
Fin dein a loluca
En dragu a sei lain
Vi fa-ru loo shutai am
En riga-lint

Win chent a lotica
En vai tu ri
Si lo ta
Fin dein a loluca
Si katigura neuver
Floreria for chesti
Si entina

La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Fontina blu cent
De cravi esca letisimo
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
De quantian
La finde reve

Win dain a lotica
En vai tu ri
Si lo ta
Fin dein a loluca
En dragu a sei lain
Vi fa-ru les shutai am"

This has apeared to Ryu over and over, she doesn't know what it means.

She woke to a banging of the shudders against the open window in the stormy night."Oh that cat never listens to a word i say."She got up and closed the window, than looked around curiously. There were wet footprints on the floor.

"What ever loser broke in here isn't very smart. There's only one thing to do, go get Tsubasatora."As she made her way slowly to the door she caught a familiar sent."I smelled that before, could it be, no."She opened the door slowly and peered around the corner. No one. Ryu silently tip-toed down the hall way, still nothing. To get the basement she had go through the living room and kitchen. Those were probably where the sneak-ins were. Ryu got low and followed the foot-prints down the hall. She heard voices, they were in the kitchen. The light was on and one of them was rummaging through the fridge. She only had one chance to do this. Ryu peeked around the corner the two figures weren't looking in her direction. Than she crouched down low. As she quickly sprinted to the door to the basemen, she caught a glance of the two men. Her eyes widened and she quickly turned the corner. She put her back against the wall and sank to the floor. Her hands were on her temples shaking. The felling of utmost shock was written on her face.

"I-I-Ita-chi!I knew day would come, but not so soon"Ryu thought. "Should I get Tsu-tsu or face him." Thoughts like these spun around her head, than she got up and turn the corner."Itachi."She said sadly.

The two turned there faces and stared at her. "What," he bluntly responded.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were gone for good."

"I came to give you a message, in fact, you a very important one."

"What?"She asked. "This is so anti-climactic!"

Itachi strolled over putting his hand in his pocket and pulling out an envelope. He handed it Ryu. It was black with a cloud imprinted into red wax. Ryu opened the letter and began to read.

"Dear Miss Ikigami, Ryu,

We the Akatsuki have decided to invite you to join the organization. We tryed to find you after Itachi-san just left, but as fate would have it, you left afew days before we could get to you. We have tryed to find you for years but you avaded us. We know that you graduated the accadomy with Itachi-san, and past the chunin exams without a scratch. You are a jounin and seem more than qualified for this offer. We understand you a benevolent ninja that is worthy of her village. If you refuse this offer you will be forced to come to our side. I the leader have decided to send these members to escort you to the lair. We all decided you should see a familiar face when we extend this invitation.

We'll be waiting,

P.S. don't be to much of a hastle for my elite members too much."

Ryu dropped the letter. "Honestly, what makes you think I will just jump to the darkside? I mean come on, why do you guys even need some one like me in that kind of thing?"

"O.k., fine, stay in this village where everyone hates you." Itachi said

"What do you mean?" Her voice was sharp.

"Don't play dumb with me, you know as well as I do that everyone thinks you helped kill the Uchiha clan."Ryu's face grew sad. "Everyday after I killed them all, I know that the people of Konaha didn't love you, the wonderful Ryu, any more. The only ones that still considered you a friend in their lives was Sasuke and his band of idiots. You're nothing to these pathetic fools."

"Shut up!"Ryu yelled while Running up to Itachi. "SHUT UP YOU LOWLIFE WEASLING SCUMBAG!" She took a swing and hit Itachi square on the cheek.

She felt a sharp pain of the back of her head, and everything went black...

Ryu woke up to a bump. She looked around and relized she was being caried. Rain was falling on her head. Every drop felt like someone was hitting her head with a shovel.

"So you finally woke up." A velvat voice sounded.

"Ugh." Ryu said weakly. She being carried over the shulder of someone tall and strong. She was being carried over his shoulder. Her head and torso were over the shoulder and on his back, and her legs were his chest."You jerks,"she said as her eyes began to slowly open. Ryu lifted her head slowly, the pain was to great for her neck to move too quickly. She turned to see the back of the blue one's head.

"Itachi, why do I have to go to this organization with you? You know I'm not the bad guy type of person."

Itachi said nothing. He was just walking quietly behind the blue one, thinking." I suppose because of your strenth. You and I are at the same level." He smiled a crooked smile.

" Come on, you know I won't buy that." Ryu said as she messaged her neck. "You always were the one praised in our little village. I was just a shadow of your power in the eyes of Konaha."

Itachi fell silent again. Ryu changed the subject.

"Take off your hat, let me at least see your face after all these years."

Itachi didn't move aside from the walking. He simply stared infront of him. Ryu sighed. Than he reached to his hat. When he removed it from his head Ryu's eyes widened.

"Itachi! You're so pale! What happened to you? And your eyes, you look like you haven't slept in days!" Itachi's eyes were purple-ish on the bottom lid. His skin was deffinetly the fairest of all.

He fell quiet again, this time for good.

Ryu looked around. She really didn't want to go to where ever they were taking her. She had a plan."If I can just jump from this guy's shoulder, than i can run back."
she waited.

Itachi walked up to the blue one's side and began to talk in a low voice that she couldn't hear. As the rain pounded her head her stomach felt awful. Ryu pulled a hankerchief from her shirt and blew her nose.

The to men turned to look, and turned back as she continued to blow. Ryu had and idea, she plucked a few hairs from her head and stuck it in the rag.Than she dropped the hankercheif. She watched and the white and blue dot in the muddy earth shrank into nothing. She was far enough.

"It's now or never," Ryu thought. She leaped in the air and ran off the path but parrallel to it. She didn't want them to see the hanky she left if they chased her. She ran and ran and ran. Her head was pounding and she felt sick. As she ran, she began to get dizzy, than she started to stagger.

"That cudgel in the head really took a bad affect," a voice said from behaind.

"Be quiet Itachi."Ryu said weakly. She turned a round to face him.

"You haven't changed, always trying to do the right thing."

"Go away."

"Trying to escape with out hurting anyone."


"Always running away."

"Itachi!" She screamed as she ran than staggered towards him. Than she fell into his arms. A cold hand rapped around her wrist and she felt herself being raised up. "You stink."

Itachi lifted her up and carried her bridal style through the forest.

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