• “But I don’t wanna go to bed,” I whined, “I wanna watch wrestling!”

    “I don’t care,” My mom snapped at me, “If you wanted to watch wrestling so badly you should have thought about that before you threw that tantrum downstairs!”

    “I said I was sorry!” I shouted,

    “Too late,” She said harshly, “Now goodnight, Alexander James Donavan,” and she slammed the door shut.

    I crossed my arms and pouted. This was the downfall of being the youngest and the most spoiled child of the family. At eight years old I tended to use my spoiled attitude at the wrong place and at the wrong time. But it was no surprise, seeing how any normal child is the exact opposite of their sibling, and my older sister, who at this point was exactly twice my age, fit that just well. She was just as spoiled as I was, if not more, and she still grew up to be such a goody two shoes, or so mom and dad thought. But what can you expect from someone who can place a hex on you at anytime.

    Oh yeah, I should mention that Delilah was a witch.

    “You still awake?” she whispered as she tapped the door slightly open and peeked her head in.

    “Yeah,” I groaned,

    Delilah shot me her familiar sly grin and stepped in, “Good, mom and dad just fell asleep,”


    She closed the door, “So, I’m pretty sure we can still watch the last part of wrestling,”

    I stuttered, “But mom said I couldn’t,”

    “Well mommy is asleep,” she mocked in a little kid voice, “Besides, since when has that stopped you before?”

    “Since mom started threatening to tear the TV out and chuck it at my head,” I told her as-a-matter-of-factly,

    Delilah rolled her eyes, “You don’t think she was serious, did you?” she crept over to the TV and pressed the on button. Loud music boomed through the speakers and Delilah quickly pressed every button on the TV until she found the one that lowered the volume. “Jesus Christ, Alex,” she hissed, “Are you trying to wake up the whole ******** neighborhood?”

    “I’m telling mom you said the F word,” I whined,

    She went back to the door to check on mom and dad, “You snitch on me, I’ll snitch back,” She threatened, “You know not to mess with me,”

    I plopped down on my bed and kept quiet.

    “Alright,” Delilah let out a breath, “They’re still asleep,” She closed the door once more then turned back to me, “Now do you want to watch wrestling or not?”

    I nodded vigorously,

    “Then stop whining,” she smirked as she leaped over the toys left on the floor and jumped on my bed, “Boy,” she grinned, “I can’t wait to see the Undertaker take on Batista. He’s gonna kick his a-” she stopped, “butt,” she said finally,

    “Nice one,” I snickered, “But you are right. You know what I really want to see?”


    “Don’t you-”

    “Shut up,” Delilah hissed as she grabbed the remote and pressed the mute button,

    I looked up at my big sister, “What is it?”

    “Hush,” she shushed me again. For awhile she just sat up and looked to the wall across. Finally she turned off the TV. “Get under the covers,”


    “Just do it!”

    I grabbed my blankets and threw it over my head. I was confused for awhile. Did mom wake up? Did she hear something? Was there a burglar in the house? Just as I was about to ask my door suddenly flew wide open. Suddenly I felt someone’s hand grasp over my mouth. Thank god it was only Delilah.

    “Pretend you’re sleeping,” she mouthed to me.

    I was completely terrified, but I did as I was told. All I could hear was heavy breathing from what seemed to be from an older man. I sat there shaking against Delilah's hand, until he soon left, and went on to Delilah’s room. When he was finished in there, I heard him walk out.

    What I began to hear next terrified me.

    “Get up!” the man shouted.

    “Oh my God!” I heard my mom whimper,

    “What the hell is going on?” Dad cursed,

    “Where is she?”

    “Let go of me!” Mom shouted. More cursing and shouts were heard as they were both taken downstairs. Interrogations began, which were soon followed by loud, torturous screams that sent goosebumps down my spine.

    The silence that finally came scared me even more.

    “Lilah!” I whimpered, using her nickname, “I’m scared,”

    “It’s going to be okay,” She assured me, tossing the blankets off of her, “I’m going to see what’s going on.”

    Instantly I grabbed her arm, “Don’t leave me!” I begged, tears cascading down my face, “Please,”

    She turned back at me, “I need to go see what happened to mom and dad,” she said softly, “and then call the police,”

    “Take me with you,”

    Delilah shook her head, “It’s too dangerous. You need to stay here,”

    “B-B-But what if they come back?”

    She looked around, “Hand me your dog,”

    I spun around and grabbed my little stuffed animal dog that I kept with me always, and tossed it to her. Delilah spun the dog around and made a bunch of weird hand gestures over it. As I wiped my face, she bit into her finger until it bleed and pressed it against the dog.

    Blood to you I send from me
    So harm will not be placed upon thee

    After a few moments, she kissed the dog and handed it back to me. “Keep this with you,” she ordered, “and you’ll be safe.”

    I took the dog from her and clutched it close to me, watching as she dodged for the door. She turned to me one last time and said, “No matter what you hear, stay in this room, understand?”

    I nodded as she left. Quivering and sobbing silently, I squeezed my dog close to me. More screaming and shouting was heard, which only scared me even more. Glass was crashed and objects were thrown, along with many other sounds I couldn’t make out. I had to see what was going on, despite what my sister told me to do. I soared off my bed, still clutching my dog, and ran out of the darkness of my room.

    “Delilah!” I called out, still crying. I looked out and made a run down the stairs, and just as I looked around the corner, I looked to the front door and saw the bad man, along with others, carrying my sister out.

    “Delilah!” I shouted,

    “Alex!” She screamed, “Get out of here!”

    The man holding her spun around, revealing his ugly deformed face with a tattoo on his face of a black bat with blue stripes. “Get him!” He ordered the other two

    “Nooo!” Delilah cried.

    The other two bad men grinned like the killers did in the horror movies when they had a fresh piece of meat to slaughter, and to my biggest surprise conjured up fire balls from their bare hands. Whatever they were, they weren’t human! They raised their arms up at me and threw the fire balls at my direction. I crouched down, thinking, This is it. I’m gonna die. But as I felt the heat closing in on me, it suddenly dispersed. I looked up and saw that I was suddenly surrounded by a purplish glow that had apparently repelled the fire balls.

    “What the hell!” One of the men, or things, cursed.

    “The witch must have already put a spell around him!” the one holding Delilah over his shoulder stated. “Leave him,”

    “We can’t,” The thing snapped back, “He’ll tell someone,”

    “No one will believe a little brat claiming demons stole his sister!” Delilah’s kidnapper pointed out harshly, “He won’t be a threat to us. Now let’s get the hell out of here,”

    “Delilah!” I cried out once more as they scurried out,

    She reached back as they flew off, “Alex!” she wailed before she disappeared into the air.

    It seemed like hours until someone finally decided to call the police. I couldn’t move until they arrived, for I was literally glued to my spot scared senseless. I hadn’t even noticed that the rest of the house was nearly covered in broken glass and blood. Both of my parents were slaughtered to death, but I didn’t see. I didn’t want to see. I was sent to live with my god parents from then on.

    I tried to tell them what happened that night, but like the demon had said, no one would believe me. I was just a stupid kid who saw a really ugly man take his sister away.

    As for Delilah, I haven’t seen her since she was taken that unfortunate night.

    That was over eight years ago.