• 1
    I was running again, because I had stolen again. From the same supermarket/warehouse, being chased by the same person. This was almost a routine for me.
    Only today I wasn’t running alone.
    Raito Hoshika, a boy I had found outside just moments before, ran alongside me, breathing hard. He was thirteen, a year older than me.
    He was holding a few sandwiches, tinned soups and bread. I was holding the same things, plus medicine. You never know when you might need it.
    Behind us, Asuka Tanaka ran too. But he didn’t hold anything, because he was the one chasing us. He was the son of the guy who owned the store and the warehouse.
    “OI, Tallulah! Who’s your boyfriend today?” He yelled.
    He was the same age as Raito. He -I had to admit, and so did all the other posh girls- was really fit. I would never tell him that to his face. But so was Raito, who was going down the wrong corridor.
    I turned, grabbed his collar and dragged him the right way, and we kept on running… upstairs.
    “Asuka, can you still keep up? I swear you’re getting slower!” I yelled back.
    Another flight of stairs and a door, and harsh, sharp wind flipped my black hair all over my face. We were on the roof of one of the biggest warehouses in Valencia.
    A roof on top of a warehouse is automatically a dead end, unless…
    “Hey, Rai…” I started, panting and out of breath. “Can you jump off a roof and not get hurt?”
    “Are you kidding??” Raito asked me in disbelief. He was also out of breath.
    “No, I’m not.”
    I had no choice; I had to use my last resort. My family can connect to spirits, and I could use that to ask them to spirit Raito away, like I had tried to explain to him earlier. But not me, because I can jump off a roof and survive. Asuka didn’t know that.
    “Dead end, you two,” he breathed, his chin lifted. He was exasperated and yet he could still act like the hero. This was a guy who had a lot of pride. “You can’t go anywhere.”
    I turned to Raito. “Listen. I have those powers I told you about before, and I will use them to get you out of here,” I whispered.
    “What…?” he shook his head.
    “Trust me. Please.”
    After some hesitation, he nodded.
    I stood up straight, closed my eyes, and I could feel all the spiritual auras flowing towards me, willing to help.
    Take him back to his home, safely, please, I told them.
    In an instant the wind whirled around him, and slowly he started to disappear.
    ”Trust them, they will get you home safe,” I mouthed.
    Then he was gone, and it was just Asuka and me.

    He was staring at me wide eyed, shocked at what he had just seen.
    “What the hell??”
    “Haha. Can’t you celebrate already?” I grinned. “I’m too tired to make myself disappear. Even I have my limits.”
    “Oh? Good.”
    “BUT I can jump off roofs and not get hurt.”
    “Okay, I have officially underestimated you. I admit it. Just don’t. Jumping off roofs is a death wish, even for you.”
    “How do you know that?” I inquired, taking a few steps towards him, slowly.
    As he watched, I stepped closer, and my hair glinted in the sunlight, a tint of purple in all that black. Then I suddenly turned on my heel and ran towards the edge of the roof. Closer came the edge… then just as the ground gave way, I jumped.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this. I will upload more chapters, and I'm hoping to send this to a Publisher once I'm older, see if it's good enough to be released. biggrin
    I'll upload the next chapter next week. Thanks again! xd