• Nasdel (nez-dell) gazed out into the dark sky. She had had a long day, she had a fight with her friend, and her sister, Janel, had a fight with their mother. Ok not really their real mom. She had died when Nasdel was 10, Janel was 12. When their step-mother met their father they had both knew that it was love. Janel wasn't ready to move on Nasdel and her both knew this. 6 years later this still created a tenson in the house hold.
    " You know, I don't hate her." Nasdel looked over at her sister. "I mean she could be my best friend, and thats exactly why... why i don't think shes right for dad." Janel sat down of Nasdels bed. She and Janel lived togeather. as soon as janel had turned 17 she moved out and tried to convince Nesdel to live with her. Nesdel egaer for independence hastly agreed.
    "well she didn't marry for money." It was true, though their father wasn't poor, there were a lot weathier bachlors who would of wed her in a heart beat. "and Ptiwe (pit-e-we)(their step-brother) is cuter then a kitten in a slipper."
    "yeah, wait what?" Janel shook her head, but then smiled. " and guess whos turning three, speeking of which did you pick up his "gift" form the genral store?" Nesdel nearly fell over. "Crap on a stick!" The last thing she heard he sister say before door closed was, "You are so lucky their open late on fridays."

    Nesdel ran though the streets, her skirt flutering behind her. She nearly fell off the brige she crossed. She was having a hard time seeing with her auburn hair falling into her eyes. She never saw the frist hit coming.