• Rica AU

    Rica walked slowly down the street and toward her home. She felt uneasy, it was too dark for her liking and she had recently heard rumors that there were people that were dangerous in the area. Unfortunately for her, the area she was speaking of was the only way to get to her home from her work place at a reasonable time and therefore, she had to walk through the dark and abandoned park to her small and equally dark apartment. She sighed, her life sucked. All work and no play, that’s what it was and all work and no play made Rica want to kill her landlady, which didn’t help the fact that she hadn’t payed this months rent. Her landlady Boss Lady, as she was nicknamed, would kill her if she didn’t pay rent soon. There was no escaping that women.

    Rica stopped as she stepped into the murkiness darkness of the old park. She had felt a chill go down her spine, and it had scared her. She felt like something was there...Or someone. Rica gulped and backed away from the park.

    “I’ll just go around the park...”She muttered to herself,”It’s not exactly like ten more minutes to get home will kill me...I hope...”And with that, she quickly turned around and started to walk back out of the park. Then she bumped into..

    Sikon sighed dejectedly, this was the most boring stake-out he’d ever been on. Then again, he’d never been on a stake-out that involved looking for a female, and not having to kill her. This was not his kind of thing and he had told his boss that, but NO they had been all to happy to kick his butt out the door and send his brother with him, like Libro would be of any help!

    Sikon stopped himself mid-mind rant, he had heard a soft rustling far off in the darkness of the park. He was currently sitting behind a bush, in said dark park, and seeing was difficult. He had a trained ear, though, and he had heard someone there. He silently hoped it was the girl so that they could hurry and go home. A female voice was mumbling to herself, something about being killed and ten more minutes. Sikon snorted, whoever this woman was she was strange. Then she screamed, Sikon nearly jumped out of his skin, there was nothing like a screaming woman that made Sikon’s skin crawl. If he saved her from whatever it was, she would stop, he was about to hop of from behind his bush when his mind u-turned back to his brother. Where had Libro gotten off to anyway?

    “Libro..” Sikon called as quietly as he could into the darkness, urgency building with the woman’s screams in the background,”Libro, where are you?! We’ve gotta go!”


    “Libro, what the heck?! I was calling you! Where are you?!” Sikon cried out in frustration, he couldn’t see his hand in front of his face, much less his white haired idiot twin brother.

    “I was asleep. Who’s screaming?” That was Libro’s nonchalant reply.

    “It’s the woman, now let’s hurry and go!”Sikon didn’t wait anymore. He wasn’t sure if this was the woman they were looking for or not. All he knew was that she was in danger and he had to save her. It was against his nature not to help a damsel in distress. He could hear Libro shuffling behind him and he could hear the woman struggling ahead of him. Sikon ran ahead into the street, he could make out three figures underneath a dim street light. One of them was cornered against a pole, he assumed that was the woman, and the other two were in front of her on either side. Sikon growled, only punks attacked women in the dark of night while she alone. He zoned in on their conversation, while staying hidden in the shadows.

    “What do you losers want?”The woman had given up screaming a while ago.

    “You’ve had more than enough time to repay him, Rica!”On of the large men snarled at her. She remained unfazed.

    “Yeah, and?” The woman, now identified as Rica, was Sikon’s target, he had been told her name before he started,”Minor idiot can just wait until I get my next few paychecks since HE’S the one who left me in this dead in job anyway!”

    Sikon’s eyes narrowed, no wonder his boss had wanted this girl, she was already involved with Minor. She was the ultimate prize to humiliate the crime lord...She had probably been his girl at some point and time. She seemed feisty though, Sikon liked her already, she didn’t belong with a loser like Minor.

    “Oh yeah. Well, he ordered us to bring you back. Said he don’ like you out here on the streets..You his–“

    “Yeah! Yeah! I’m his girl well he can take those words and shove them up his–!”Rica was cut off by a knife being pressed roughly up against her throat, she seemed frightened at first but quickly recovered. Sikon didn’t know whether to intervene or let her be.

    “He say, take you back by...force if the need be..” The second large man smiled at her.

    “You’re disgusting. I ain’t going back with you so go tell Minor...This!”Rica swung her leg up and nailed the first goon in the stomach, leaving other to come at her. She dodged easily and let him hit his head on the pole, he swung around and grabbed her by the arm roughly.

    “You are coming back with me...” He growled into her ear. Rica continued to struggle in futility. Sikon decided now was a good time to step in and revealed himself from the shadows.

    “She ain’t going nowhere wit’ you.” He stated simply, and stood nonchalantly on the side of Rica. She was looking at him now, and he could get a good look at her face. The girl wasn’t ugly, but she wasn’t beautiful either...what was the word? Cute, she was very cute, no wonder his boss liked her so much and all that. He had claimed that they had been childhood friends, he wondered if she remembered him? He looked at her once more, taking in her mahogany colored hair, and light brown skin. She had on thin rimmed glasses and big round eyes, with a brown color to them. She was curvy, that was for sure, but Sikon was not attracted to her at all. He felt more..protective, then attracted. She didn’t seem to want his protection though..

    “Who the heck are you?!! Get outta here you Stupid idiot!!”

    Sikon growled. This girl was truly ungrateful, here he was trying to save her from being dragged back to her ‘ex and she tells him to go away! What the?!

    “Fine. You can take care of yourself. That’s why some huge guy is about to drag you back to your–!”Sikon barely dodged the punch that said “huge guy” threw at him, he was about to retaliate when he heard a gun shot. Sikon smirked, he’d know that gunshot anywhere. He turned to his twin brother, to smirk at him, so he was useful sometimes...Sikon took a glance over at the man Libro had shot, he was on the ground, shot in the leg. The other man, Sikon had forgotten about him, was also shot in the leg. Two shots, it had sounded like one, he sighed, Libro was just talented like that. Sikon heard snoring....And he was asleep at that moment.

    “Thank you.” Sikon was brought out of his thoughts by Rica’s voice,”For saving me I mean. You didn’t have to but you did.”

    “You’re wrong, I did have to. I would’ve failed my boss otherwise.”

    “And who, might I ask, is your boss?”

    “A childhood friend of yours, Major Spaz..You know ‘im?”

    “Major...You work for Major loser...How did he get someone like you under his command?”

    “I’m not under his command..I just...He’s my friend and I do what I can to help him. He asked me to find you and bring you to see him, so I’m about to do just that.”

    “Oh really. So, who’s sleeping beauty behind you?”Rica asked obviously amused, as she pointed over Sikon’s shoulder to Libro(he was sleeping standing up).

    “Ignore him..He’s my twin brother, but he’s an idiot.” Sikon said easily, taking a step towards the girl, she was making small talk to stall for a way to get away from him and he couldn’t have that,”You know I’m not letting you get away, right. You’re coming with me whether you want to or not.”

    Rica seemed to be fighting a battle within herself for a moment, then she finally let out a small sigh of defeat(Sikon hoped) and began to walk toward Sikon in a sort of silent defeat.

    “Alright then, take me to see Major freak. It’s been a while anyway. I bet he looks just like he used to, he never was much for change.”

    Sikon smirked at this and took hold of her wrist, just in case she wanted to wiggle her way out of it at the last minute. His free hand he used to pull Libro’s hair as hard as possible and wake him up. It didn’t work and therefore he slung the useless boy over his shoulder and the three of them headed out.

    The place where Major and his gang of misfits lived wasn’t very far from the deserted park that Sikon had been waiting in. In fact, you had to walk deep into the forest behind that park just to get to the large mansion that was called home to so many people. Upon seeing the mansion, Sikon looked at Rica for her reaction while adjusting Libro on his shoulder.

    “So..What do you think?”

    “Who all lives here?” She asked simply, her face no expression of excitement or surprise.

    “Besides boss? Me , Libro, boss’s parents, lots of people that boss just picked up from the streets and orphanages. That’s why we’re all loyal to him. He saved most of us from a life on the streets. Libro and I included.”

    “Well, it would seem that Major idiot has finally done something he can be proud of..”Rica stated approvingly and looked at the mansion one last time before heading toward the front door and pulling it open. Sikon didn’t bother to stop her. Boss wanted her in the mansion anyway.

    Rica stepped inside the mansion, she stared around the place. There were people all through there, and just as Sikon had said, most of them looked like they were homeless or lonely. Rica’s heart wrenched for them as she stared back into their eyes(well some of their eyes some of them were eyeing her a bit nasty like). She felt Sikon come in behind her, or more like she heard it, he immediately received a loud greeting.

    “SIKON!!” Rica could’ve sworn she’d busted an eardrum.

    “‘Sup guys?” Sikon seemed to be used to the treatment,”I brought the boss’s girl. Where is he?”

    There were mixed answers and many looks in Rica’s direction. Scrutinizing looks, that took in her appearance and body language just as Sikon had done.

    “He’s upstairs. I can’t believe that’s the boss’s girl. I didn’t know he went for the nerdy type.” Rica felt her eyebrow twitch. She zeroed in on the voice that had insulted her. A man typical...a fat ugly man with one goal in life: To insult everyone because he’s insecure about himself.

    “What did you just call me, you sad excuse for a tub of lard?!” Rica had shouted back at him before she could stop herself. The whole room was silent for a moment, Rica breathing heavily from anger and Libro’s snoring were all that was heard, then the room bust out in laughter.

    “She’s cool. I like her. The boss needs him a woman to whip him into shape!” Those kinds of comments were thrown around and Rica nodded in satisfaction at hearing them.

    Silence ebbed into the room once more, when everyone heard the steps on the stairs start to creak. Rica sucked in a breath, at the sudden silence...She knew those slow deliberate footsteps anywhere. She smirked as none other than Major stood at the bottom of the staircase.

    To Be Continued....