The Disappearences Chapter 2
Rayne awoke in a hospital bed, confused and unaware. A doctor came by and asked her "do you know how you got those marks on your neck?" She nodded no, and asked "how long have I been here?" The doctor, alittle afriad to answer said "3 days, the whole time out cold, you lost nearly two thirds of your blood, its a wonder your still alive." Rayne nodded and asked if she could be alone for alittle, and the doctors was alittle reluctant at first but then agreed.
Rayne was around five foot four inches, alittle short for her age of 17. Her hair, died purple, which was long and went down to her legs. Though some genetic mishap or anouther, she had purple eyes, though her vision suffered slightly. She sat still in the bed for a while before breaking down into tears...
It was about four thirty in the afternoon, and Maxas slept in his dark room in the house on a hill. The house was known as the Mastern house, and had a dark history of death, murder, and illegal activities. The house was a two story house, with an old build and needed alot of work. there were 15 rooms in the house, a kitchen, livingroom, dinning room, den, 2 bathrooms (one on each floor) and the rest were either bedrooms or empty. Maxas's room was on the second floor, and it was all painted black.
Five pm, all the shops in town began to close as was their normal routien, children where at home mostly, those who weren't were at the playground, the park, or a friend's house. Everyone i the town was friendly and before the disappearences started again, had kept their doors unlocked. Now everyone triple bolted their doors.
Six pm, The sun was beginning to set on the town, and the clock tower rung at six on the dot. It dd everyday to inform everyone that night was approaching, the sun would be completely set at seven, but for now, it was over the horizon, starting to sink out of view for the day, and night would come slowly, creeping its way over the sky like a theif in someone's house. The dark would come and stragglers would be left outside, there wasn't a curfew in town, people just prefered to get home early, more so now than ever...
The Disappearences Chapter 2
Nod Fanatic
for chapter 1 go here: http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=100038463
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