• Suddenly I awoke with a chill. I realized there was ice hanging from the ceiling. I didn’t know where I was hoping to find out I went exploring. Then I realized I was in a cell. A skeleton frozen in ice. Then I walk quietly to the cell door then I find out the things guarding the door are two ice wolfs. Surprised I made my way to the back of the room hoping to find a way out then it happened… I was shot in the back with what felt like a needle. My body was fIlLing with rage. I fell to my knee and turned around and saw a giant standing on two legs a wolf lord. Then everything went black.

    I awoke again my body in raged. I was being dragged down a long icy hallway. Ice shards hanging from the ceiling. I was being dragged by the wolf lord. I don’t think he knew that I was awake and I wanted it to stay that way. Then suddenly I was thrown right beside a ice wolf. Thinking it was going to attack I backed up realizing I was walking on four legs instead of two. I could smell a whole lot more. Then it barked at me and in some odd way I understood it. It had said “So they turned you into one two.” Trying to talk I said in a bark “how?” “No one knows they don’t even remember how they got here.” Surprised I said “So what is this place?” The stranger said coldly “Th-The ICE KINGDOM.” Then he asked “What’s your name?” “Don’t have one” I said. He look at me with a puzzled look. “What?” “I was never given one.” Still puzzled he looked down at the ground. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “M-My son he was taken by the wolf lord almost three days never seen him after that.” I asked “Cant you just go get him?” “Not that easy.” He said. “why not?” I asked. “Guards everywhere not like us their bigger, stronger, faster, and to top it all off they are FIRE BEAST.” “So all we can do is stand here?” “Why do we have to stand here anyway?” “To make the new prisoners scared like you where.” “What I wasn’t scared.” I lied. “Yeah you where I was guarding your cell.” “oh” “so” he stared then stop looking behind him. “act like your guarding this THEY are coming.” I did as he said. A big wolf lord walked by staring down the hallway. It was then I saw a since of sadness in the wolf lords eyes. After it walked by I asked “Are they like us I mean other people?” The stranger shrugged “Don’t know.” Right then I tried to walk forward. I couldn’t I looked down and saw a chain around my leg. “Darn” I said under my breath. I tugged and the chain broke. I looked at the stranger. “Wow that was easy.” I stared to walk down the hallway and was picked up. It was a wolf lord he asked in a loud bark that would alert the others “HOW DID YOU GET FREE I MIGHT JUST HAVE TO TAKE YOU TO THE KING ICE WOLFS.” He dragged me down a long and what I thought endless hallway. Then I was dragged through a arch way into a big wide open space. I looked up and saw a big stairway that lead up to a throne and there sat a big, tall, covered in armor, and carrying a spear sat the KING ICE WOLFS. He asked “WHAT DO U BRING ME?” The wolf lord said in a whimper “I have a prisoner that broke the chain.” The KING OF ICE WOLFS glared at me. “SO YOU WERE TRYING TO ESCAPE!” He said in a loud bark. “why do you turn people into wolf?” I asked hoping to change the subject. He toke it he said “BECAUSE MY KINGDOM NEEDS SOME SURVICE SO THAT’S WHY I DO IT!!!” Then right after that he told the wolf lord that had dragged me here to put me back in a cell. After I was thrown into a cell I tried to find a way out. Still couldn’t find one. So I tried to dig under the cell door. What I forgot was that the kingdom is ice. I broke my claws. I whimpered and tried to talk to the wolf outside the door. He wouldn’t listen. Then I ran as fast as I could and rammed into the door it broke open and the wolf outside look at me with a look of surprise. Breaking through the door made a lot of noise. A FIRE BEAST was running to the broken down door. I ran the other way but I ran into the stranger I knew it was him because I knew he’s sent. “Long time no see” he said “Run a FIRE BEAST is coming. “Why?” he asked. “The door.” “oh” So they ran until the knew it couldn’t find them. They ran and surprisingly to the strangers son’s cage. “SON!” The stranger said with glee in his voice. The son I would soon find out could not talk due to a sickness. The stranger had to find out how to get the door open. I said “How ‘bout this” as I rammed into the door and it busted open. Then after the stranger and his son were reunited. Glee consumed them both. As we tried to find a way out we stumbled upon the kings room. I saw the spear witch then I spotted the spear was actually the thing that had turned me into a wolf. As I made my way into the room I grabbed the spear. I also found a green needle. I shot himself and all the rage that filled ME was gone and I was a human again. I also shot the stranger and then I remembered something the stranger talked and looked like MY father and he WAS! So that made the son MY brother. All of them found there way out cured all the wolf cursed people and shut down the KING OF ICE WOLFS plan.