• A/N: Check out the Prologue before reading!

    Chapter 1-
    Three years later

    Sarai sat on the Bowsprit of his ship. A lot had changed in three years, Sarai, now thirteen years old, was fully trained in the knowledge of a great captain. His hair was still as silver as the day he was born. He ran the tips of his fingers along the birthmark under his left eye.

    “What ya doin'?” Sarai jumped at the voice almost falling off the small plank of wood he sat on.

    Sarai turned around to see his Third Mate. At first he frowned at the smiling face. Nova was one of the most immature pirates on the crew, and delighted messing with his captain. Sarai rolled his eyes. He was always trying to convince himself that he only hung out with Nova because the two were the closest in age on the crew.

    “Don't scare me like that Nova,” Sarai maneuvered his was over to the forecastle deck where the young pirate was.

    “Yeah , well you shouldn't be on there anyway,” Nova turned turned his back to Sarai, “Nara would kill you if he caught you before I did. You should be more careful.”

    Sarai grabbed the back of Nova's headband and snapped the elastic, “Hey, what was that for!?”

    “Scaring the crap out of me!”

    Nova grabbed the collar of Sarai's green coat and pulled him forward. Sarai fell on his face as Nova ran. Sarai pulled himself upright and chased after the adolescent. This act of idiocy continued for a while until one of the crewman decided to stop it.

    A man in a tan cloak grabbed Sarai by the collar. Under the cloak he wore a turtle neck that he put over his mouth, the cloak hid most of his body, the only thing visible was his teal eyes and the green hair that rested on his forehead. “What do you think you're doing?”

    “Let go Nara!” Sarai struggled in his first mates grasp.

    “Give me a reason to?” Nara lifted Sarai off the ground.

    “I. Need. To. Kill. NOVA!” Sarai attempted to launch himself at the fifteen year old, but just struggled in Nara's grasp.

    “Kakoro was looking for you. I will let you go, if you promise to go straight to him.”

    “Fine, I promise,” Sarai grumbled.

    Nara let the boy go. Sarai was going to lunge at Nova, but thought better of it. If he did, Nara would just hit him in the chest and he would have trouble breathing for two days.

    So instead Sarai walked below deck to the combat cabin. The combat cabin was also in the original Red Twilight Ship that had burned down three years ago. Just like back then, it was Kakoro's sanctuary.

    “You rang,” Sarai knocked on the open door. Ezen, Kakoro's apprentice, launched himself at the young captain. Sarai easily sidestepped him, he grabbed the boy's arm and threw him at the wall, “That's not a very nice way to greet your captain.”

    “He still needs more work,” Kakoro helped Ezen up, “Not everyone can be as good as me.”

    “Ha, ha, ha, of course Grand Master Kakoro,” Sarai said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

    “Oh shut up and get over here,”Sarai walked over to the weapon specialist, “Wait, first you have to tell me what day it is.”

    “What does that have to do with anything?”

    “It's a question, and if you can't answer it you wont get your reward.”

    “Wait what reward?”

    “The one you get if you answer the question.”

    “LAND HO!” The shout from the crows nest was heard even below deck.

    “Looks like were needed up there,” Kakoro smiled and walked away.

    “Hey Kakoro! Kakoro what reward!? Kakoro!” Sarai chased after his officer.

    He rushed on deck trying to catch the second mate. His boot slipped as he ran on the wet deck. For the second time that day he was face down on his own ship.

    “Having a bad day captain?” Sarai's, now soaked, face looked up at a young ten year old boy. Hair hidden under a green bandanna, blue vest, long white pants, the boy was none other than Sarai's pirate apprentice Kashin.

    “Yeah. Say, have you seen Kakoro?”

    “Uh huh, he's on the quarterdeck with Gero and Rahna.”

    “Thanks!” Sarai once again ran on the deck and once again fell on his face.

    “Wow that's a record for you Rai!” Rahna shouted to her little brother as he climbed the steps to the Quarterdeck, “Three times in one day!” She didn't even try to hide the giggles like most of the crew.

    “Oh shut up Rahna!” He tried to wipe the water from his face with the soaked sleeve of his trench coat. Yet as expected he was unsuccessful, “So, as much as I hate sounding cliché, are we there yet?”

    “Just look ahead captain,” Gero handed the silver haired adolescent a long black telescope.

    Ahead lay a large island. A wonderful windmill sat atop a hill at the edge of the landmass. Many buildings and people on the land. And at the back a forest, the perfect place for them to dock ship.

    “Looks like this place was made for us,” Sarai laughed. As notorious pirates that were only known in legend, a large forest was a great place for them to hide the ship.

    “Oh yeah, Rai, do you know what day it is today?” Rahna hid her hands behind her back.

    “No,” a blank expression appeared on the girls face, “Why do people keep asking me that?”

    “You're not serious,” Gero was very confused.

    “What! Lets see, it's not my birthday, it's not the day dad died.”

    “Never mind.” Gero shook his head and went to circle the island.

    If an ordinary person saw the ship close to shore was a risk. The spotting of an elusive ship was big trouble for the long held reputation the Red Twilight Pirates built up. It was hard for them to get information while causing a commotion.

    They docked on the island with no trouble at all.

    “Alright guys,” Sarai shouted, “We need to stock up on supplies! And don't forget to ask about the Map! 'Kay spread out!”

    The town was at peace. Children playing in the streets, old women gossiping, men working, a place that seemed to be an ideal village. Sarai felt kind of sad, he wondered what people would think if they found out who their new visitors were.

    “Come on Rai,” Rahna tugged on the sleeve of Sarai's green coat, “stop daydreaming, we gotta find that map.”

    “Oh, right. Sorry Rahna.” Sarai smiled weakly, “So, where should we start?”

    “First, here,” Rahna put a cap on Sarai's head. Because of his odd hair color he often hid it to blend in, “And you're the captain, that's your call.”

    “Fine, lets head to the bar and find out what we can.” Sarai shoved his hands in his pockets.

    The local bar was full of gossip, the only problem was that the two of them were still just teenagers. Back home at Pirate Cove, everyone knew the two kids and their aunt owned the place so they could come in any time they felt.

    “So how are we supposed to get around this 'minor' problem.” Sarai asked.

    “That one hurt Bro.”

    “Sorry Sis, pun not intended.”

    “Alright, I think we should ask one of the guys to head to the bar,” Rahna said while watching the entrance, “There is no way we're getting in there with out a fight.”

    “Yeah, we can leave that to Kakoro,” Sarai sighed and leaned on his sister, “Playground?”

    “Yup,” Rahna smiled.

    The school yard is the second best place for gossip. Children are smarter than most adults give them credit for. Usually children who were good at eavesdropping blabbered to their classmates. Sadly, Rahna was fifteen and no longer able to blend in with the younger children. Luckily, though Sarai and the apprentices were ages ranging from thirteen and eight..

    “So, we'll need to find the kids,” Sarai sighed looking out toward the playing children. “Kashin is with Nova, we sent them to get rations with the twins. Ezen should be with Ceron, they went...”

    “They went with the girls,” Rahna sighed. There was a good deal of girls on the crew, young girls, a few being Rahna's apprentices. They were always injuring the crew for being sexist jerks. By now they know better, well at least they should.

    “Then lets go find them, the more kids the better. You find the girls, I'll head to the market.” Sarai just smiled at his sister.

    They gathered up seven kids, not including Sarai. The twins, Ace and Spade; Gero's apprentice, Ceron; Ezen and Kashin; and Rahna's apprentices Kala and Yune.

    “Wow captain! I forgot you were part of the youngest kids on the ship,” Nova laughed.

    “Yeah, but you know what you should remember,” Nova raised an eyebrow, “That I can knock you flat on your back!”

    Sarai launched himself at Nova. Kashin and Ezen got in his way and pulled him back.

    “That's wrong Sarai, you need to respect your elders.” Nova said.

    “You need to respect your superiors! Or they may just lose it and snap your neck!”

    “Rai, relax okay. You know Nova's an idiot,” Rahna said.

    “Thanks Rahna.” Nova said.

    “Zip it,” she warned. Nova made a motion that looked like he was zipping his mouth closed.

    “Let's get this over with.” Sarai took off his green coat, revealing a black shirt. The others had made their won attempts to blend in, but they took care of that back at the ship. “Split up, get any info you can.”

    Things were slow. Each of the children seemed suspicious of the pirate children's presence. Sarai suspected that they were part of a gang of some sort. That's how usually was with one town islands like this one. They knew everybody and didn't trust new comers. This wasn't usually taught by parents, but a ringleader. A guy in the same position as Sarai, a leader of the children.

    “Have you noticed that we won't get anything outta these punks,” Ace asked Sarai.

    “Yup, they gotta have a boss somewhere. We'll get it out of them. We find the weak link, we get the leader. Try to talk to the youngest one in the bunch.”
    “Right away cap'in,” Ace ran over to his brother Spade. He seemed to have an idea.

    When close together the differences between the two was more clear. Spade looked more like Char, having the aged face of a spell caster and the eyes that shone with knowledge that most children his age wouldn't even dare to understand; Ace on the other hand had a bright youthful face, one could tell by his stature that he specialized in speed. Both had the same black hair that parted to opposite sides and amber eyes, both no doubt inherited from their mother Sarai assumed.

    The group observed as Spade approached the group of children. He came up to one of the younger ones, a girl, about five. He crouched down to her height ans smiled.

    “Hello, I'm Spade. What's your name?” Spade asked.

    “Brother says I shouldn't talk to strangers,” the girl said.

    This one's smart. Sarai thought.

    I know, what course of action do you suggest captain?Spade asked, penetrating Sarai's thoughts.

    Either threaten her or tell her the truth. Which ever way is easer for you. Adults don't believe kids anyway.

    Which is why you make a good captain. Spade frowned at the little girl. “Too bad. My friend thought I couldn't guess your thoughts, but I can't unless I know your name.” He shouted over his shoulder to Ace, “Guess I owe you fifteen Cren now, huh.”

    “Y-you can read my mind? How?” the girl asked quietly.

    “I'm a mage. But I can only read your mind if you tell me your name.”

    “Okay, I'm-”

    “Don't tell him anything Marry!” One of the older boys stood in between Marry and Spade.

    “Ah, hello-”

    “What business do you have here?” The boy asked, cutting off Spade. He was easily bigger than Spade and if he landed a good hit on his face he might be out cold.

    “Well, you see. My friends and I were wondering if we could speak to your boss.”

    “What on earth you talking 'bout?”

    “Joe, careful.” Marry warned, “He's a spell caster.”

    Spade smiled. Marry was his ticket into Joe's mind. He probed it fiercely, searching for any piece of gossip regarding the map of Storm Region. Joe fell to his knees. All this took only a few seconds. A wicked smile crossed Spade's face.

    “We go to the windmill. According to the kid, the town's story teller is there.”

    “Good job Spade,” Sarai and his group began to leave. One of the girls stopped Spade.

    “What did you do to Joe!” she demanded.

    “I looked through all of this thoughts and memories. I guess the presence of my mind was too strong for him. It's not that pathetic though, a lot of the adults I search usually pass out.”

    The girl backed away, “What are you?”

    “Oh me, I'm a mage.” The children looked at him with utter horror. Ace decided to intervene.

    “Why are you looking at my brother like that? Do you want me to snap your necks?”

    “Ace quit it.” Sarai said. Ace shut up, but he kept glaring at them.

    “And who are you?” It was obvious they would ask Sarai this. He was the oldest and tallest in the group.

    “Me?” Sarai smiled a smile so terrifying it would put vampires to shame, “I am none other than the Silver Demon.”

    His crew stared at him. They had only heard that name when people, normal people, talked about Sarai or his father. They had never heard anyone on the crew, especially their captain use his evil nickname.

    “Now, crew, let's head up to the old windmill, shall we.” Sarai smirked. He always got a kick out of other people's horror.

    Nova and Rahna joined them as they left the playground. Rahna didn't have to ask about her brother's smile. She had probably gotten the information from Spade already. The trip to the windmill was longer than expected, due to the fact that it was uphill. It was no trouble for the pirates though.

    “Why on earth would a story teller want to be up here?” Kashin asked looking up at the windmill.

    “Who knows,” Nova answered, “you know, for some reason this place seems very familiar...”

    “You're probably loosing it,” Kala said.

    “I wouldn't doubt that,” Kashin agreed.

    “Hello!” Sarai shouted in through the door way of the windmill, “Anybody here!?” His voice echoed throughout the hollow tube.

    The children made their way up the flight of stairs. The stairs circled on the inside of the wall. Sarai started getting dizzy as he kept walking. A few time he thought of looking down, but thought better of it. He didn't feel like risking getting vertigo.

    There was a door at the top of the stairs. Sarai quickly pushed it open and took a deep breath of fresh air. It felt good in his lungs. The girls giggled at how he acted. It would have seemed he to a normal person that been trapped in there for days.

    He could hear faint snoring. Through the door there was a ste of wooden planks that headed sraight the took a turn. They followed it. On the floor an old man slept.

    This was the story teller? Sarai thought. “Uh, excuse me. Uh, Sir? It would be nice if you woke up.”

    “Ah, Sasaragi son of Larin. Yes, I've been expecting you for some time.” The old man opened his eyes. There were no pupils, only white within the sockets. Sarai was shocked both by the eyes and the fact that this stranger knew his name.

    “Y-you know me,” Sarai's voice was shaky.

    “No, I knew your father. So unfortunate. I told him not to trust that fool Mezin.”

    “You're a Seer, aren't you!” Spade exclaimed with excitement, “Seers can read others thoughts without even having to know their names, they can also see the past and future of a person! They're so amazing!”

    “I'm flattered Spade son of Charroon,” The old man smiled, “I know of Sasaragi through Captain Larin. I know of all of you through him, except you two.” He pointed toward Kashin and Yune.

    “Neither of them has had a pleasure to meet father,” Rahna said.

    “Ah, I see. You came to ask me about the map, did you not?”

    “Yes, do you know of it's location?” Sarai asked.

    “Yes, yes, of course. It is hidden deep in the forest. One must find find the elder tree, and head to the hollow.”

    “The hollow?”

    “Yes, it is hidden in the ground. Like another treasure hunt for you, I assume. Except more of a challenge, with out a map to find the chart,” the old man laughed.

    “Thank you for your help, old Seer.”

    “Oh, and Sasaragi,,” His voice became raspy and layered with magic, “A great danger faces you in Storm Region. One that will shape your destiny. When the time comes, fall.” The man became quiet. Then the soft snores started up again.

    Sarai stood there stunned, when the time comes fall? “What an interesting old man,” he tried to laughed. “Well, lets go find that old tree!”

    Sarai grabbed onto the windmill and rode it down. The others followed. The small group marched off into the forest.

    * * *

    Sarai practically danced toward to the ship. He was so excited, not all of them piling on top him could stop him from jumping around.

    Sarai tackled Char from behind, “Char old friend! YOUR BOYS ARE BRILLANT!”

    “What did they do now?” Char sighed as straightened his back. The incident had left him weaker and more fragile than he normally was., but for the sake of his eight-year-old boys he stayed on the ship and taught Spade and the other crewmen magic.

    “What did they do now?” The old mage asked.

    “Spade! Tell him of your awesomeness!” Sarai commanded.

    “It wasn't that great captain. All I did was find the storm region map by reading the minds of animals. That's not very special, is it dad?”

    “You were able to communicate with animals? And you're eight....?” Char looked lost

    “So it is special?”

    “You've always been special bro. And cap'in stop dancing around! You're giving me motion sickness...”

    Sarai was indeed dancing around like a fool. With his best friend, not afraid of looking like a fool on his own ship. “The real question is, Why aren't you dancing Ace?”

    “Because I'm not a moron.” he grumbled.

    “Thats messed kid.” Sarai stopped dancing, “don't you know what this means!?”


    “Were going to storm region! We're one step closer to the grandest treasure in the whole world! One step closer to father's dream! We are on our way to greatness here! And anyone who isn't dancing in ten minuets is swabbing the deck!”

    “C'mon Sarai. You are acting like a fool.”

    “Rahna, I'm not above making my own sister clean my ship,” Sarai started dancing to no music, “All except the musicians. Come dance! Thats an order!”

    The whole crew was dancing and being merry, without any alcohol. It was one of the noisiest nights on the ship. Nara even cooked, which he only did when Larin would get on his hands and knees and begged. They wouldn't stop celebrating even when Sarai slipped and twisted his ankle. And even then Gero lifted him onto his shoulders and they celebrated together.

    "Hey Rai, you ever figure out what day it was," Nara asked as he Sarai Gero and Kakoro watched the sun rise.

    "No," He yawned.

    "Stupid," Gero sighed, "the ninth day of the twelveth month?"

    "Huh? Oh! Hey, I turned thirteen yesterday!" Sarai laughed.

    "Oi kid, you're getting old." Kakoro shook his head.

    "Thanks. That really makes me feel special."

    "No problem. Anyway, here." Kakoro handed him a small white box.

    Sarai oppened it up. Inside was a pair of brown gloves with Ying Yangs on the back. Sarai pulled them on. In the palms of the gloves ther was a black bar. He squeased them and two blades jutted out from bothe ends of the bars, along with a small switch from the middle of the bar . He hit the switch. From the blade came out another curved blade that extended all the way out to his elbow and the same length out ward. Thje blade on the left was white while the one on the right was black.

    Exceot for the Ying-Yang like design, the blade was just like Larin's, "Thanks guys," Sarai choked out. He felt tears roll down his cheeks. For Dad Sarai thought, we must conquor Storm Region

    http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=100334671 check out ch 2

    Also for illustrations http://deepconfusion.deviantart.com/gallery/#Red-Twilight-Pirates