• It was 9:36 pm, Dakota and Abrey was playing truth or dare.Abrey finaly got the curage to ask me and him to go into the creapy house next door.We went outside and walked over to the house Abrey saied "Ok now we only have to go inside for three minutes and then come back out."I aggred to go back in and out in that time.We went inside and closed the door,it had a little creek to it. When we got in I saied "Lets start by going into the bathroom."Abrey and me both went to the bathroom and Abrey sat on the edge of the shower while I sat on the comode."Hey Dakota"Abrey saied,"How about i dare you to go into the bedroom for a second?" "Shure, I saied what harm could there be to that?" While going into the bedroom I sang a soft tune of a song. When I got to the bedroom i herd someone or something wisper my name.I saied "Quit it Abrey I know your just trying to scare me." Abrey saied in a real loud voice "What im not trying to scare you im frican scared allredy and besides were about done in here we got thirty more seconds." "Ok......" I saied. When we finaly got out of the house I told Abrey what I heared. He saied "It's probably your mind playing tricks on you." I saied in a soft voice "Yea,it's probably my mind playing tricks on me." When I woke up the next morning I ate some pancakes and headed outside.I told Abrey he could folow me if he wants to. He saied "Nahhhh im just gonna stay here and play some videogames." I saied "Well I will be over in the house next to ours. Abrey saied "Ok." When I got into the house I headed to the bedroom,and I heard someone or something say my name again I saied "Yes,yes thats my name." "Whats yours?" I saied. He saied "My name is Aurthor,I was killed here in a fire." I saied "When did the fire happen?" He saied "It happend in 1993,I was just a child." I saied "That must suck!" I didn't here a comment after that. So i decided to go to my house and play some videogames with Abrey,but as soon as i was walking away I heared Aurthor say "But now I must take your life to let me relive mine!" I started to run out of the house but it was too late.I felt something go through me,and then I fell to the ground.He was inside me! I saied "S-stop it". But he didn't. Aurthor now could tell me what to do when to do it and what to say and when to say it.He made me go into my house and say to Abrey "Folow me." Abrey didn't hear me. So he made me say it again "Folow me!" This time he heard me.He turned off the game and folowed me into the house next to ours.When we got there Aurthor made me close the door and lock it.By that time Aurthor was coming out of me and went inside Abrey. I unlocked the door and I ran to my house. ever since then I have never saw him. THE END