• I walk through the woods on a howling night. The temperature is at least maybe 15 degrees and I left my jacket at home. As I walk, I hear heavy breathing behind me. I beggin to walk faster, trying to run but not wanting to make a seen. I hear the breathing get heavier and I begin to hear footsteps. Suddenly, I am surrounded by dark, frightening creatures. I freeze in place, to scared to move a muscle. Then, I see them, the fangs of the demonic creatures known as vampires. Terrified, I run. I run faster then I ever knew I could. But, I couldn't keep up with myself and I fell flat on my face. Right before I hit the ground... BOOM!! I wake up in a cold sweat to the thundering crash of the thunder storm. My breathing is heavy and my parents rush in asking why I screamed. I was so into my dream I didn't even know I had shouted. Then, I fell back into unconsiousness as I left reality and re-entered dream land.