• The night when all people get togetherwith candy, parties, and trick or treating is no ordanary night for when midnight stikes the most scary things happen. These things that happen only happens when the moon is full or it is a Friday When Hallows Eve comes around.
    They say stuf about friday the thirteenth but they never talk abbout friday the thirty-first in october. All nightmares will happen many people will come and talk about their night mares for a bit, but thats not the worst part, the worst part is that they will always haunt you for the rest of your life.
    There always is the creatures lurking in the shadows natural or super natural. The natural ones are okay to be around unless they have been bewitched;you won't be able to tell because you will be dead before you can scream. Supernatural creatures are the mythical creatures that come out in the horror films. Many supernatural creatures tend to blend in during life until they have their cycle of the moon, or have a thurst for blood.


    p.s. Keep all black cats in side for safe keeping from people who will sacrifice them.