• The world used to be safe.It wasnt always so complicated and hard.Today thats just what life is.Complicated and hard.Hard to live.The only people who see it are cast out from the people in their hateful realm.Causing them to go mad and eventually comitt suicide.But that wont be me.Even if my own parents refuse to look at me i will make them see truth. I will not be like those who have died.They may believe me crazy.Insane.Some poor child who has lost a sense of mind.I am dead, but alive, i am the undead.Soon because of madness i will become one of the dead. Fully dead and not an empty life shell that holds ice. Yes, lots of ice.I hold the worlds cold secrets within my body.I am the ice queen, i am iceblood,i am Prayen larth, i am my own.This is my story.

    What brings us here?
    English essay By: Prayen Larth

    What brings you and i here?Were we born just to be born?Where will we end in life?Is our destiny sealed by fate?All very good questions.No answers have been released.When people around you begin to disappear your fate has come to an end.The salem witch trails were not for witches.Or who councils believed to be witches.The people who were convicted were not witches.They were burned because they looked too close at what they werent supose to know.What happens today? If someone were to find something that the government didnt want you to know.What would they do?Secretly kill you?Today people disappear all the time.All of these homicides, murders , or 'suposed' suicides are cover ups when people find the bodys.It wasnt planned out to be like this. People were given life they should have the ability to control it.But that is the one desire we have been robbed of.We do not deserve it.Too much desire is aready in our world.Too much hate.Earth can't possibly be a hell for those of my kind.Those who believe our world today is filled with hatred, manipulative devils, and power thirsty semigods.This may seem strange and even a bit disturbing. But this is far more important for you to know.We are in danger of distruction, and ruin.Insanity, is what people say to us.They say it as a lie to themselves.They try to fit in. Beg themselves not to believe in my story.But deep down they know i am right.They fear death and they fear me.But I am not death.I am merely a messanger.This is not a religion.This is a sight.People born with this sight are put in mental institutions. Labeled as psychotic, dangerous.Crazy, is what i am accused of. If we were a few hundred years back.Would you try to call me a witch.What you do is influenced by the people around you.You may know them and you may not but what they do does influence your life.So i ask you again.What brings you here?i know what brings me to this life.Do you? your turn find why your here.That much you owe yourself.No matter who you are.

    My classmates stared blankly at me.They didnt understand how exactly to react to what they'd just heard.They were taught that the world was made of candy and unicorns.Pretty rainbows and pots of gold. So their world had been perfect. Until I moved here.
    "Prayen ?"The teacher coughed a little shocked.I turned to him and smiled. One look and he choked back whatever he'd been about to say.
    "How can you say that",one girl finally managed to gasp. I looked at her. She had jet black thick hair stylish glasses and a ten carrot dimond sticking out from her nose.
    "Easy",I replied answering her question."Because its true and I know you can learn from fear more that run from it."She gawked.I knew her easily just by
    looking at her.I could look at people and tell about them.She acted tough and deep.Like a poet.But she lacked truth.
    "Don't listen Freddie," a guy closer to the front said."You can tell she's not right in the head."I laughed.He was tall with straw like blonde hair.
    "Tell me i'm not right",I demanded.He shut up and stared back at me as I glared at him."Tell me I know nothing and that i'm mad."He didn't speak and I shook my head in disgust at him. "Exactly," I pointed out. "How do you know I am wrong if this-,"I gestered around them."Is all you've ever known ?" I turned and caught a glimpse of movement in the doorway
    before I heard clapping.Everyone turned to the sound.A tall shadow of a boy who would soon be a man was standing in the doorway.His smiled was all knowing.His hair was so fine and black I wondered if I was hallucinating.
    "M-May I help you",Mr.Jones studdered. The boy shook his head.
    "I'm looking for a Prayen Larth",he nodded to me."And I think I just found her."I stood and stared back at him as he looked me up and down."Your the
    one with diffrent 'ideas'", he laughed. The rest of the class nodded figoriously. The boy laughed once again.While I turned my head and gave them all a cruel smile.They shrank back into the seats frightened.I turned back to the boy.
    "Who are you?",I demanded with a cold voice.
    "Whoa",he said holding his hands up in means of surrender."I'm here to-"
    "I don't care",I interupted him."Leave, now".
    He shook his head saddly."Can't do that.I'm was sent to take you somewhere different.I'll explain on the way".His tone was serious.But I wasn't sure I could trust his face.No matter how beautiful it was.And it was Beautiful.Pale and
    perfect.Green eyes with a silver outlining and a silver pupil.
    "Well he seems to think you must go.So go",Mr.Jones pushed.I growled low in my throat and he stepped away andoff.
    "Fine but whats your name?"I demanded.
    He smiled and replied,"My name is Joshua".He held out his hand and I took it.As his fingers closed around my hand I felt something electric shoot through my arm. I pulled away and followed him reluctantly.