Fate: Namea recieves a letter
Fate: Namea recieves a very troubling letter.
Namea sighed as she sat upon her bed in the KnifeEdge room, the room she now shared with Catherine above the bloodlust. "So much..has changed.." she murmered, looking to the painted ceiling as she recalled the events of the past year or so.
Diolo...Her love...He'd left one day...no explanation, nothing...he'd said he loved her, walked out for what she assumed was a normal day of work and never come back to her or the bloodlust. Heartbroken she'd been, until after a few weeks she'd hardened up again, a one night stand with a dear friend softening her for a brief time before bringing the ice back up.
Eventually, somehow, her heart had won out again, with Edward Dante, or Dante as she called him. They'd spent blissful months living together, and she'd forgotten about her heartbreak over Diolo almost entirely...Until Dante left as well, leaving her in the cold. In that time she'd met Catherine and the shinigami had won over her friendship almost easily, just as Nessa the cat had. Soon she had a bevvy of friends in the forms of Sevvy the ninja barkeep, Liekt, his shadowy companion, Ikaru, who had been one of her very dearest friends from the start, a woman named Tam, lycan like Namea though different, and very much in love with the mechanical werewolf Cryovix, Kai the other barkeep, Damon, the founder of the bar and a golden demon named Kry. Happiness was in her, and she softened a bit...until the night Dante returned.
It took him time, but he won her back for a few blissful weeks. Soon Namea had seen him turn to drink much too often and confronted him, that was it, and he ended it. Between his return and this event came Tallien...the head of the shinigami and the woman who vowed to steal Catherine back with her to the realm of dreams. Refusing to let her friend be taken Namea had fought the shinigami chief and somehow won. Also in that time her heart seemed to be taken over by another, Sevvy, the faithful barkeep, and a great friend of Namea's had become more than that in her mind.
Pained by the loss of Dante, confused by her feelings for Sevvy, and injured from her fight with Tallien, Namea sighed, looking from the ceiling to her bedspread. "So long.." she muttered. A piece of parchment lay on her nightstand and she picked it up, unfolding it. A woman had come into the bar not long ago, a naga by the name of Mylar, and given her this letter, perhaps now she should read it. Opening it, her eyes grew wide as she read:
My dearest Twin,
I write to you now from a tavern not far from the bloodlust you so often frequent. Fear not, I shall go there and find you soon, but now it is not yet safe. Our father is still after us and having just narrowly escaped I do not wish to bring danger upon either of us by providing him any excuse to return to your beloved bloodlust. Know with this letter that I am alive and shall come to you soon enough. If you wish to contact me, find whomever gave you this letter, they should know where I am and be able to take our correspondence as per my request. Thank you, and know that I think of you often.
All my love
You brother
The words swam on the page for a moment then she shook her head clear. In the confrontation with their father, Rhyushi had become an ally rather than an adversary, throwing himself into the path of Jarin's power to save his twin, and her heart had swelled with love for her brother at that moment, and his for her. Once more, like their childhood, they shared the bond of twinship that had so long lain dormant in the face of his darkness and her indifference. The sudden loss of someone she had just regained had pained her, but now it seemed that Rhyushi was alive, and returning to her.
In this time of confusion, she did not know what she would do if he showed up, after all, there had only been that brief moment of connection before he'd dissapeared, who knew if he still felt it, or if he was back up to his old tricks of trying to kill her.
Namea wondered briefly as she lay back with the letter clutched to her chest, why fate toyed with her so very much.
Fate: Namea recieves a letter
Neshira Namea Returns
In this installment Namea catches the reader up on the events of the year that has passed since the last chapter, letting them see her life as it has become. She also finally reads a mysterious letter that she recieved during that time. Will this piece of parchment lead to Joy, or ultimate peril for the tiny assassin?
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