• “It’s not like I can deny you something like that, you know that, Mello.”

    “So you’ll help me?” The blond boy nibbling on his chocolate bar asked the girl that was leaning against his motorcycle. “Thank you, Rika.”

    The raven-haired girl sighed and sipped from her drink. “You’re going to do it, aren't you?” she asked.

    “Do what? I just asked you the favor for a friend.” Mello told the girl.

    “I’m not stupid, Mello, I know what you’ve been doing.” She took one last gulp and threw the can away. “When do you need them?”

    “The day after tomorrow if possible”

    “That should be possible I think.” Rika said looking at Mello. “Mello”

    “hm?” he asked turning his head towards the girl.

    “Don’t do anything stupid.”

    “Oh damn Rika that sounds cliché!”

    “Well than it sounds cliché I mean it Mello!” the girl said pouting and turning away.

    “Fine, look Rika I didn’t meant it that way okay?” He said cupping her face.

    “Pff~ be grateful that I’m helping you!”

    “I am Rika and you know that.” He said looking at her. “So don’t be a spoiled kid”

    “Says the one eating chocolate all day.”

    “Oh shut up.” He said kissing her.

    “Don’t do that Mello.” The girl said as the kiss ended and she turned away.

    “Why what’s wrong?” Mello asked watching the girl.

    “Just don’t do that, okay.” The girl said blushing lightly.

    “Why not? You like it, otherwise you wouldn’t be blushing” Mello said as he began nibbling on his chocolate bar again.

    “Shut up!” The girl yelled flustered.

    Mello kissed her again making sure she would not end the kiss early.

    “Didn’t I tell you not to do that?!” The girl said blushing lightly.

    “Yes you did but that doesn’t make me obey your words.” Mello said smirking at the girl.

    “I really meant it ,Mello don’t do that.”

    “Why not?”

    “It hurts.”

    “What do you mean Rika?” Mello asked the girl confused.

    “Aren’t you supposed to be a genius? You were one of L’s successors.” The girl sneered.

    Mello narrowed his eyes at her.

    “Oh god Mello I said one of not the first, second, third or whatever!” The girl yelled.

    Mello turned his head away. “I’m a step ahead of him. “

    “I know.” Rika said softly. “That’s why it hurts.”

    “You think I don’t deserve to be first?” Mello sneered at her.

    “That’s not what I’m saying Mello.”

    “You meant it that way!”

    “No Mello, don’t make this any harder.” The girl said. “You know you’re number one to me anyway.”

    “How cliché “ Mello grumbled.

    The girl sighed and looked at Mello. “There you go again.” The girl stood up and turned her back to Mello. “I’ll make sure everything is ready, bye Mello.”

    Mello let his gaze fall on the girl and his eyes followed her until she disappeared into the night.

    Two days later.

    That evening Rika had taken a shower and thought about going to bed early. She walked past her TV with a towel on her head. Her eyes widened as she saw a familiar red-head.

    Wasn’t that Mello’s friend? What was his name again? Matt or something.

    Rika yelp in horror as the boy got shot down. She slowly walked to her bed and grabbed the remote control from her cupboard. As she turned up the volume she laid down on the bed

    “The man who was shot down has still not been identified”

    “It has started hasn’t it?” Rika asked herself.

    She listened to the voice of the man explaining what was happening. Apparently Mello –though unknown to the world- had kidnapped Takada who was the messenger of Kira. Rika had never really paid much attention to all the Kira kingdom s**t. She was busy trying to achieve her dream. That was until she met Mello by chance.

    She was just doing some quick shopping but some bratty kid found it time to robe her making Rika yell and throw her shoes at the boy. But Rika not being a good atletic thrower she hit an innocent boy instead. And if couldn’t get any worse the little bratty thief stole the poor boys shopping back –which apparently contained chocolate or so the innocent boy had yelled at her. When she went to apologize the boy looked rather pissed and blamed her for it. When she took him out for a drink as an apology they started talking. Rika noticed his English accent [1] and asked him about it. He had pushed the subject aside rather roughly.

    She introduced herself as Rika and he told her his name of Mello noting that Rika probably wasn’t her real name. She told him that she took the fake name because with all the Kira incidents and not knowing who to trust. He respond rather annoyed at her joke and wanted to leave. She had apologized for her joke and they talked some more. They had both left at the same time.

    Rika had to admit she got attracted by him. The scar probably interested her the most. He looked tough and mysterious . Not long after that they had met a few times they were seeing each other regularly . They talked a lot. he seemed to have a lot on his mind. He complained about some stuff mostly about being second. The name Near seem to fall a lot. It annoyed Rika. She felled stupid though because she thought Near had been a girl. Mello had laughed at her and she had left pouting. He soon after that found her and told her he was sorry.

    Rika shortly after their regularly meetings twice a week stopped noticed that Mello seemed very busy. She had heard his red-head friend joke to him that he was being cruel leaving is girlfriend alone all the time and asked him about it. Mello had looked at her strangely and then told that the girlfriend comment was directed towards her. Rika had reacted rather flustered making Mello smirk. Nothing really changed after that, So Rika went to investigate some things about Mello. She soon found out that he was trying to capture Kira. She got worried, but didn’t dare to say anything about it. It seemed important to Mello.

    She had felled it coming, Mello hadn’t said much lately and he seemed busy with investigating some girl. She got snapped back to realty the moment she heard the announcer talking again.

    “We bring you a live report from the crime scene. Apparently the kidnapper has taken Takada hostage in a truck. “

    Rika hugged her knees as she sat up.

    “We bring you a new report apparently the truck that Tadaka-sama was being held hostage is set on fire. Unfortunately the body of one of the two victims found at the scene was officially identified by the police as miss Kiyomi Takada.”

    Rika hugged her knees even more.

    “Authorities say that a two ton trick and a motorbike inside the church somehow caught fire, triggering an explosion.”


    “The other body is badly burned and though assumed to be that of the kidnapper , is still currently unidentified. “

    “No Mello, you can’t.” Rika started at the screen tears slowly trailing her cheek.

    - The morning before-

    “There, that should be all.” Rika huffed annoyed.

    “You’ve got your girlfriend mad at you again Mello.” Matt noticed as he was playing on his handheld. God did that kid ever leave the stupid handheld alone?

    “Take the stuff and get in the car Matt.” Mello growled looking annoyed at the boy.

    Matt shrugged took the stuff Rika had place down.

    “Why are you mad?”

    “Because you are going to do something stupid. “ Rika sneered at Mello.

    Mello sighed. “Rika, I”

    “I don’t want hear it just go.” Rika said turning her back to Mello.

    Mello sighed again and spun her around. “Thanks Rika” he said and kissed her.

    Rika did not break the kiss but did not respond to it either. She felled hurt by the thought that he may not come back.

    Mello turned around and walked towards the car. He stopped when Rika called him and before he could properly turn around she was kissing him.

    Soon after their kiss ended Mello whispered something to Rika, and she nodded, smiled, and bed him a "goodbye"

    She watched the car until it disappeared
