• The world was dark.
    It had proven to her time and time again that it was not all sunshine and rainbows.
    Even in her early childhood she remembered being shunned, being pushed, and being alone.
    It hurt.
    The pain.
    It hurt.
    No child should ever have to feel the sting of rejection, the pain of being hated, and the sounds of pity around her.
    She stood there staring at the floor unable to look up.
    She felt ashamed for being alive as she continued to stare.
    The cold hard reality bit at her like a vicious snake.
    Her indifference made her suffer.
    Tears would come.
    Tears would go.
    But the pain would stay.
    Stay forever.
    She looked up to the heavens above.
    Silently asking, why?
    Why me?
    What should I do?
    Her eyes widen as she felt herself being enlightened.
    The light shone down on her.
    The light told her to climb.
    Climb until she reached the top.
    Only then would she be at peace.
    Unable to nod she reached up and held firmly onto the invisible ladder.
    With each new step she decided to climb.
    And with each new step she felt a new emotion.
    She felt needed.
    She felt appreciated.
    She felt loved.
    This new feeling flooded her soul.
    She was happy.
    Happy for the first time in her life.
    No pain.
    No words.
    Just the feeling to guide her.
    Then it happened.
    She smiled.
    A soft smile.
    Full of warmth.
    Full of joy.
    As she neared the top she felt this strange new feeling become stronger.
    She now wanted so much to reach the top.
    Three more steps.
    Her eyes softened.
    Two more steps.
    Her smile brightened.
    One last step.
    A soft and almost inauditable laugh escaped her lips.
    Just as she reached up to the light it happed.
    The ladder broke.
    Fear filled her heart as she lost her balance and fell backwards.
    Just like before.
    She was scared.
    She was alone.
    And she had no one to help her.
    Tears fell upwards as she plummeted towards the hard ground.
    A loud bone-cracking smack was heard.
    The world was quiet now.
    The girl lay on her back.
    Her eyes slightly open.
    Unable to breath.
    She looked back up.
    Towards the dimming light.
    She was in pain.
    Terrible pain.
    But this pain was different from the pain she felt when she was left alone.
    No, this pain it wasn’t as bad.
    It actually made her smile.
    A little smile.
    She reached up once more towards the disappearing light.
    Her lips parting.
    “Thank you.”
    Her hand fell.
    Her breath stopped.
    Her eyes had closed.
    And the tears stopped.
    The light had already faded.
    She was left alone with a smile on her face.
    The light was right.
    She was at peace now.
    She would never be hurt anymore.
    She would never be shunned.
    She would never be rejected.
    And she would never be alone.