• Prologue

    I’ve been thinking about my life lately…

    And I have to wonder…

    am I forgetting something?

    Alex yawned, letting her head rest on the school desk she was currently trapped in. No better time for a nap than the last 30 minutes of school before Summer Vacation. Out of the corner of her eye she could see that Aya was already asleep, and she gave a silent chuckle before falling asleep herself.

    Looking around, she automatically knew where she was. Outside, on the Boardwalk that led to the beach. Joey and Ringo, Aya’s mom, were there, talking with each other.

    “Jounouchi!” she called out, running over to him and glomping him from behind.

    “Huh? WAAH!” Joey shouted, falling to the ground and laughing, “Alex!” he said, pulling himself out of her grasp, “Some dream this is. My girlfriend is acting like a spaz.” He said, grinning at her.

    “… How do you know this is a dream?” Alex asked, looking puzzled.

    “And now I’m going to be talking to the dream version of my girlfriend. Alright. I’m pretty sure this is a dream for two reasons: one, I fell asleep in Geometry just now, and—” Alex cut him off.

    “Dream version? This is my dream! You’re the dream version of Joey!” she said, crossing her arms.

    Good. All Three of you are here, then.

    The words hovered over the three long enough to be read, before being replaced.

    The Keybearer is coming soon. You three are close to her.

    “Keybearer?” the three of them said together.

    Did I stutter? Yes, the Keybearer. I need you three to ask her some very simple questions.

    “Stupid crazy dream…” Alex mumbled, “Alright, I’m pretty sure I know where this is going. Fine, I’ll do It.” she said, rolling her eyes.

    “Well, I guess as long as it’s a dream…” Joey said, shrugging.

    “Ooh… I really need to get back to drawing but… okay.” Ringo said, nodding.

    “What are we going to ask them?” Alex asked, looking around waiting.

    “How about we just go with what pops into our head first?” Joey asked.

    Alex nodded, “Oh, I’m no good at thinking of these things though…” she said, slipping a backpack off her shoulders and rummaging through until she found a Magazine she had gotten for Misa, and flipped through it to find what she knew had to be in there somewhere. “Okay! I got one!” she said, holding the magazine and starting to read the quiz.

    Here she comes.

    Suddenly, a bright light appeared behind them. The three turned around in time to see Aya appear, and look around before coming up to the three of them.

    “Ah! There she is! Hey Aya, can I ask you something?” Joey asked.

    Aya blinked, “Er... sure. What is it?” she asked, shrugging.

    “What do you want to do when you’re done with school?” he asked.

    “I’ve already told you, Joey, I want to travel! I want to see the world!” she said, rolling her eyes, “Did the Heartless come and steal your memory or something?” she asked, laughing.

    Alex looked up from Misa’s magazine, ‘Does she already know what she is?’ she thought, before asking “Hey, what is your biggest fear, Aya?” and taking out a pen to fill in one of the answers on the quiz.

    “… Being alone. What, are you should one of those stupid personality quizzes?” Aya asked, snatching the magazine away from her and looking at the page she was on in disgust.

    “What’s most important to you, sweetie?” Ringo asked, breaking Aya’s concentration away from Alex.

    “Friends and Family, Mom.” Aya told her, smiling.

    Thank you. The time to leave is almost at hand. Be prepared.

    Author's Comments:

    Okay, so you're probably wondering what this is. I decided to break this story (Kingdom Hearts AS) into two separate stories: One from Aya's POV and one from Alex's. Mainly I did this to show that Alex isn't really in control of her situations (you'll understand that later). As I type this, I'm about 1/4th of the way done with Another Story Chapter 6, but these are really interesting too, so I highly recommend you read them.